by flit, Bask Foi-ce unless contrieted and requested hi, the Sherill'?s qfficc. At, 7iIsk Force is
<br />comnionli, collcd bY Red River ComnfY,, flopkins Colmtlx' Fannin County and 111111t Comm, fi);-
<br />(I'Ssislonce with auto lhefi cast's 10 include fl.aih"r thetts as well. lho, Msk Porce is contacted
<br />on most, ifnot all, of the vehic/c (IFS012 Crane's in Me counties af#oicew to Lomar Countv
<br />including 1111111 Count ' v. 7he Task For( e is also called on b ' v the 7"�,mls Oeparlmeqfpu
<br />nt blit
<br />sqjetvfi-onl finle to tinter1chen the ' v have a burned vehicle thea'
<br />1, need identified either btu it
<br />an
<br />being involved in ao,eidcnt or criminal activitv� The, lask Force maintains a boil vehicic
<br />fi)l- dcter'ring auto 111cli and auto binglai-ies and also rpiake,s' use of boil frailer, set up ivith a
<br />l)-ackingdevio1v to ai-rest trailer thieves iihich is common i . n our area. At, Task
<br />Force conanaorrlw attcnrTs public, cvenls' in llol.Ains, Lunar, and Hunt Countv and sets up (I
<br />booth distributing
<br />infen-mation on auto theti and onao bio-glai-V, Finally, the Bask Force
<br />rc
<br />gulates the tmv eompaines m I bY i-eviciving and app, i -e ving their cit}' tow lit.:-ense
<br />application eachyear, monifol-ing their vehicle sloi-agefiwililies and checking their abandon
<br />vehicles as they come in to their cam, The Task Foi-ec also handles complaints that are
<br />i-cceived on the tow companies,
<br />3.3 Functions ofthe Proposed Program Related to Motor Vehicle Burglary and Theft Prevention
<br />The Task lloixx plans to conduct at least (:5). five public awat-cness events 1.1ii-oughoul the
<br />rant cycle. This includes distributing materials to i-emind citizens in the cover -age area to
<br />lock their vehicle and pr-otect there pi-operl'v Iay taking basic thefi prevention steps, Ihe Jusk
<br />i-mation concerning the auto the
<br />and auto bin-fi
<br />glaiypi-oblcin in our coverage area. Ais maY also include success stories
<br />documenting, and pi-ontoting cases of individuals arrested fear auto the and bu)glmy oi-
<br />cases in ivhich the Task Fome provided a public sei-vice to the conanunilies in our col"CIYIP?
<br />arca,
<br />ABTPA Task Forces are required to collaborate across judicial boundaries and to develop
<br />regional strategies to implement funded activities, Describe how the applicant staffand
<br />jurisdiction will coordinate with other agencies and jurisdictions in the implementation oftliis
<br />program.
<br />3.4 Collaboration Effort
<br />The laskjbive routinely is contacted by laiv enfor-cement agencies to assist with
<br />invesl(gations at the agenei . cs request. ]n the cut-I-enifisealycen- the lask,f6rce has assisted
<br />HOPKINS, HUNT FANNIN, RL'D RITER, 77TUS and DELIA counties on cases that thew
<br />have r-eqti(p,steeltissisleiiice. Most of the thne the cases involve identsfication qfbiu-ned
<br />vehicIcs, but othei- cases do come in and the lask.fin-ce alwaYs assist in ithatevet, inanner we
<br />ai,c asked. For instance, recentli, MIS COUNTYSHERIT"TS OFFICE contacted the Task
<br />Foi-ce about a case concei-ning (3) lh)-ce stolen classic cars that were obtained by,fi-audident
<br />c.hecks, 77TUS OUAIIY '16ul'
<br />nd out on of cans wase DF
<br />headed to they area and needed
<br />assistance. The task force assisted b ' v obtaining the vehicle idcnlalication numbei-for the
<br />stolen, ear that 717"'US COUNTYcould not do bcc:vuse tile title hilbi-niation was held al the
<br />bank and this ivas late on a 1, )-idaY afternoon. the information ivas obtained and 71TUS
<br />COUNTY was able to innnedialelv enter the car as stolen, 77ae Task Force than contacted the
<br />7ARRANTCOUNIT TASK FORCE ivho was able to locate the stolen vehicIcs' and other
<br />stolen prope)-tV. In this case the Tusk Force ivorked soleli, on the phone to recover- stoics,
<br />