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Division Detcciives VI ith seforeh warrants when I)ossiblc due to the stolen cm, <br />not h <br />burgloaearrics bcing mwinclv linked to the ch'ig, (to-adc. The Lamar County She),ift?s 0 icc does <br />ve nlhe mayibei� oinked <br />(is the citv and W <br />"I iv ot 'thcii- caseS ai,c investigated <br />by thc lask• Foi-cc unles,s conutcled and requesicd hr ih(,Sheiiff?sQ/ I ve i.s,' <br />�ficc� The T�isk Fol <br />commonlY called by Red Rivci° CounlY, Hopkins Count ' v, Tannin County, and Hunt Coullfyfi)r <br />assistance vvilh (into illefi cases to include trailer thefis as wc/L The litsk For -cc is, conia ' <br />cied <br />oil most, it'not all, oftht, vehicle arson cases in the eountics adjacent to Lamar- Couniv <br />includipl,z4l 111,1111 County, the flask Force is also called on b ' v the 7axas Deparonent ol"Public <br />Safi,t)"fi-om time to time vvheiz then have a burned vchicle the), need identi - b <br />'lied eithei , it .1 <br />&c inn involved in an accident or cl-intinal ue:Wvitr, 7110 7ilsk i'(wce,uujinfoins a bait vehicle <br />161, defei-ring auto th(Ji and auto bw-glaiIes and also makes use of bait tivilei, set ul) ivith a <br />lrackhkq device to al,t,est trailer lhieve,.�, which is cominon in our coverage ar-ea. The 7cask <br />.Forve commonlY attends public events in flol.)kins, Lonuv, and Hunt Counly and sets zip a <br />booth disti-ibuting information on auto 1hefi and auto hear-glat-v. Finally, the 'Task I --orae <br />regulates the tow companies h? Paris b.j) mviciving and approving their, ail, tow li(wilse <br />al)1dication each year, monitoring their- vchicle stoi-agefticilities and checking their- abandon <br />vehicles (is they conic to,) to their -care, Ae (cask Force also handles coml)laints that ai,e <br />i-eceived on the tow companies, <br />3.2 Functions of the Proposed Pro grarriRelated tea The ft ofa Motor Vehicle <br />the NOR THFASTTEA'ASAUTO 771D-77ASK FORC' is a .small two-man taskc <br />covei-in ft) c <br />,g a lat-ge (9) nine c-ounty area th(-,a is inain1v rui-al in c-omposition, The 7as* Force is, <br />not dii-ectIv assisted b.v anY other- Agency, other than the Pcwis Police Acpai-Inient. I'he Senior <br />Detective is the pi-qject manager and he repoils directly, to a Lieutenant in the C),iniinal <br />Investi,V,ition Division qf1he Polls Police Depai-tinent. The Chi(fol"Police qfthe Paris <br />Police Detinent is the Pi-oject ectov Ihe ( 71) Lieutenant i-epoi-ts to a Cajntahr which is, <br />supervised bY the Assistance Chiefqfl'o lice ond the Chiefol'Police. Detectives commonly <br />work with Invesligaloi-sftont the Lamm- Count Shea-�ff?s , . <br />(�/ <br />,fiec when it is necessal-lv, The <br />big!g,est cities in the covei-ag-e area ai-eShe)-inan and Texwrkana P I - <br />followed b9, a is and then <br />Gr-eenville. The task fierce Detectivcs has been investikafing auto the I'l . MCS <br />since 20'10 and 20,1 1 it and buqla1j, C <br />fiw- (in apIn-oximate total qfaboul (9) ilineyeal-s ofcombined <br />exjwilence, the Detectives have a conybined total ql'(34.) thirtv-16urye . ars ql'overall 1mv <br />en /breenieni epee-ience. The Trask/nerve completcs VTR -68A insjocetions qfthe citizens in the <br />Coverage area evei-1, Thursday and the are done in Bonham and Paris. The Task Poi,ce <br />aoratinne yr examines antique vehicles in lVace, when necessa)-y, and that takes place ani,whew <br />in the coves -age area on a case by case basis, A lot a ' <br />(area. The flhese are done in the She) -man, T6,as <br />j6mc investigates all auto thefts to include any, and all wheeled vehicles such <br />as I'l-ailcrs, all -terrain vehicles (ATI), and hwcloi-s etc. i-ej)or' <br />led to the Paris Police <br />Depai-tinent as vvell the Lainat- County Sheril <br />1.',s Delmi-Imeni. The Task Force invesli�ates all <br />bus -flan, a 'vehicle cases ?-eported to the Paris Police Dej)artnjent and this soinetitnes <br />includes c) -edit card abuse and th(It qffii-caiwi cases the aino hia-glai-ics, A <br />/0,1 of these cases have no,t`ollow ul) bill Detectives tit least read the i-epoi-t to st v what itenis <br />were stolen and to see where the eases a) -e occurr-ing. 0clectivt.,s py to (Issis, Narcotics <br />Division Detectives- with seta -ch iva)-rants when possible due to the stolen p)•opei,jYjj-otjj can., <br />burglai-ics being iwiainelj� linked to the thwg trade. The Lunar Countv Shei-iff?s (l/ <br />not have near the number o car bin4a-gries as the eitv and fice does <br />jevv oftheir cuses are investigated <br />