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So the 1)roblcm is two-1)(irt. One hein 9 the auto Melt and o <br />nd aul� bm- lmy prm alone is <br />enomg,h to keel) (2) two DetectiveS busY, and on tol� ol'that the task f6rc�,, routineh, coml)leting <br />oi,er 250 VWT-68,4 insI)ections a , 1'ear, Problern III'(') is the IasA force nt.,cds to haik^ at least 4- <br />10 delcctil°cs to projwl-lj, cover the eatirc 9 counill, (.,,overagml area, <br />So bi, dcfijult the Titsk Foree does target the Lamar County anti Ili(., Ciwo V Paris not becwuse <br />qj"choice more so because realities of'"the,,size of the coverage and resources available, <br />The citv docs, not haiv M.7113 agent or a DPS Officer assi��med like other, task lbrees and most <br />ciliesdO not have a dedicated auto theft unit Or Delecthcs, in our c,erage a"CV. <br />Grant Goals and Activities <br />There are two parts to this section: 1.1 FUnCtiOnS OfTrol)oSed Program and Goals Strategies and <br />Activities ((3SA). In the following boxes, describe the ftinctions of the proposed program and <br />then complete a fillable form called GSA., <br />Al" TPA programs must completely describe the functions they will perform in implementing tile <br />program. If Awarded, funds expended towards activities not described in this section will result <br />in the reimbursement being denied. <br />Part 1 <br />3.1 l'unctions ofthe proposed Program Related to Burglary ofa Motor Vehicle <br />The NORMEAST TEXAS AUTO THEI, T TASK FORCEis asniall two-man task,fbrce <br />COV(Ti129 a large (9), nine county area that is niain1j; rural in coml.7osi(ion. Me 7hsk Force is <br />not direellvassisted bYan.Y other Agenci, other than the, Paris Police Dej.,)arIniew, The Serio <br />Detective is the projcci rnanager and he rq)orls directIv to a Lieutenant in the Criminal <br />Investig,otion Division qf'the Iaris, Police Del)(Irtnient. The Chief'offlolice o 'the Paris <br />Policc�, Del-wrtmew is the Pr oiect Director, The CID Lieutenant rcl)orls to a C"aptain which is <br />swj)ervised hi,, the Assistance Chief e.)I'Police and the Chicl"q1"Police, D(,.rtectives common1v <br />Work tail! Investigators,frown the Lamar ('0111141,5heri ?s Q/ <br />.# fice m,hen it is, necessai-V, Ae <br />biggest cities in the coverage area are Sherman and Tmarkana,1611o;ved bY Paris and then <br />Grecimille. The taskfi)rce Detectives has been investigyating auto thoi and burglary Crinles <br />since 2010 and 011, 16r an ajq)roximate total of'about (9) nine years ol"combii , ied <br />e,YI)erience. The Detectii,es havc a combined total qf'(34) thirty- <br />* fimj <br />rears of'overall !caret <br />enforcement exjoerienee. 1he Task.16rce coml?letes VT1?-68A'14 insI)ections o 'the citizens in the <br />coverage area evei), Thursdar and they are done in Bonham and Paris, The Task J."orce <br />roulineb,'exann I nes antique vehicles in place, when necessurv, and that takes place atwwherc <br />in the coverage area on a case b)) case basis. A lot oeo, The 7ask 't'lhese are done in the Sherman, Texa <br />ars <br />fi)rce investigates, all auto thefts to include army and all wheeled vehicles such <br />cis trailers, all -terrain vehicles (A 7T) and tractors ele, rejroried to the Paris Police <br />Delmirttrient as well the Lamar CountvSherilj?s j)c,,j)jj)-hnen(- They Ti, -ask T-orce investigates all <br />harglary ohchicle cases rej.)orted to the Paris Police Delmrimem and this somethnes <br />qlaries. A <br />laat of these cases haw no follow iq) but Deteolitvs at least read the rcj)ot*j to see what items <br />were stolen and to see where the cases are occurring. J)cjc4:"tijcs It -V to assist Narcotics <br />