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InctroPolitan oreas and tht,jollmi in cities ffl,el /mver on the list than the JJ`X,21RA.1VA and <br />M11YRA-MAluivas: ALIS7 IN #146, LL I'AS"0#153, (jnd)TLJ,,'R #185 <br />The awo Melt raw in TEA,ARKANA area is 278,43 and the 5711s'RMAN area role is 20'8, 02. <br />Comparing (hose rates to Other larger, nietroj)olilan areas Mot made the lhst <br />you haiv fl.M <br />1101,,aWON (it a 382.05 rate, 457 SAN AA77OA710 at a 317.4 rofe and #79 DALLAS Ivith o <br />268,2 rate. <br />lVith that hilingsiated we eertainlv do not think we can inilmel the rate with our current <br />slai <br />fing and heing based out o TARIS, but the auto thefts in PIRISshoiv to be 4.5 in 11" <br />201,5, 25 in 2015 and 33 in 2014, Converiing that to the th(ji rate used 4v A11CB and dividing„* <br />theli bY the City of'Paris's A.,)I)ulation the rates are 2014-= 1.33.16, 2015::=100.87 and 2016 <br />ML58. <br />Willi (2) Detectives working the ON ql Paris auto thefi, car buq, <br />laries and V'IR-68A <br />imVvetionsfin- our coverage area we could use at least (Ti') achlitional Detectives to make an <br />inymet in the lexarkana and Sherman hot sljol areas. The stole has not mode those./iinds <br />available to date not to mention the Task F'orec has not received atq equipment since 2010 <br />fi-om the state, <br />2.3 Describe the geographical target area intended for this application, Include infomiation about <br />the taskforce governing and command structure, Include: a description ofthe coverage area(s) <br />and the nature of'suppoil and agreements supporting this applicaticM. <br />The lask l"orce target area is going to, be the ("it ' v qf'Par is and Lamor Count)',, with supl)ort <br />and as,.�istanee in the other counties (#'coverage area. Cforrend.v, we are doing VTR -688 in <br />LAMAR C'OUNITand PANNIN COUNIT, CurrentlY I'lly have a letter ol'agreement ivilh the <br />LAMAR COUNTYA TIORNk,YS OFI,_YCE. 7114' Sheryl <br />Couniv isfill/v SuPI)OI-tive of <br />the Tosk Force as ive in'ves'ts ate the majority-, oftheir auto the 'i cases, <br />J <br />The Ttisk Force is coniprised cif only (2) tdvo Detectives that are both assigned to the crin)a1al <br />investigative division o 'the PARIS POLICEDEPARTAIlLWT Both Detectives are sul)ervised <br />1�v (I) one of the (2) two Lieutenants in the criminal investigative ijil,isiolj, Brae Lietilenani <br />Pport <br />and Chie to a Cal)tain Policc, in 0-iminal hivestrgalion that is sul)ervised bV the Assistant Chiefq1' <br />ce <br />J'`, <br />2A Will the progyarn described in the application cover the coniniunity(ies) at large or will all or <br />an), part of this program be directed to serve a specific tat -gel population? If No or Both, <br />please describe the problem supporting the need for a special target population. <br />Ae pro,grani avill cover the coninjunities at large. With limited resources; however, most o <br />the eases investigated vvi/I taefa-onsthe Paris P'OhCe Del)artmew and the Lamar Countv <br />SheiV�s Dej�artment, The current trend in our area is that other agencies, outside o * <br />V, <br />ParislLamar C'ountY, call the 7ask.lbree for assistance such as klent�fication of"burned' <br />vehicles or other issues in idenl�fieation ofstolen vehicle such as vin swaps, vehicle clones or <br />other vehicle identification related isslit.,s. Most of the cases otter Me task <br />identificyition the agency that was, assisted conipleles the im, <br />esli�alion. <br />