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nol have near the numh�,,IIr (11'car burglaries as the cit)' ' Undfi'lvo/ their cascs are in vestigated <br />b1ty thc lilsk Forc,c, ides, contacted and requested 1) ' v lheSherrlf`"s (Alice Pie lask Force is <br />colinnonli, called bY Red River Cotint , t�, ("ount ' v, Fannin Count , r and Malt Countv fin- <br />assislanc(,�, with auto ih(fi cases to include trailer Melts (Is WC/L C K <br />PIC k`or(..,(," is contacted <br />oil roost, il'nof all, of the vehicle arson cases in the counties a(#aeent to Lainar Coilim, <br />includili,i; flim/ Count, ,% 1 h lilsk Force is also called on b ' <br />v the Texas Deparollent ol�pjjbjjt" <br />Sqletvjj-onl time to tinic ivhen the.), have a burned vehicle ihev need identified either bi, it <br />v <br />being involed ill (ill accident or croninal activil " v. 1 h Trask Force mainu , fins as bait ve'llicle <br />for deterring (,Into Melt and allto burglaries and also makes use of a bait trail(?r s4.,l up with a <br />tracking device 10 arrest trailer thieves vt,hi(..,h is comin,M) in 010"COITIVge area. The Task <br />Forcc coninloill ' 1, alrends public cvents ill Hopkins, Lamar, and Hunt Count�, oil()sets alp a <br />booth distributing information oil auto thefl and auto burglaly. Finally,, the lask Force <br />rq'i-dates the tom, colllpanu-,'s in Paris b`v reviewing and approving their citv tow liceilse <br />application each vear, monitoring their vehicle siorae <br />9 ./acilities and cheeking their abandoll <br />vehicles as then, come in to Men- eare, 7"he 7ask l"orce also handles complaints that are <br />received ora the tares" co mpa n ies. <br />Grant Problem Statement <br />2A Provide an assessment of tbmotor vehicle burglary (including theft ol'parts) problem ill tile <br />coverage area of this application, <br />The motor vehicle burglaiy issues continue to be as problem in the Paris area. I& crime <br />tends to be committed by theyounger adult males and the crime seems to go hand ill hand <br />with the drug trade. This is has been confirmed or proven with several gulls stolen firorn cars <br />beh4,,.fi)und later when the citil narcotics unit runs a search i,varra,w oil a drug trqt It is <br />niore coininon than not ftn- stolen guns to befinind during those search, warrants, <br />We have also secii in increase ill the number offirearms being left ill unlocked vehieles and <br />those iieapons are connnon�y being slolen. P'robahlY 90 to 9-5?,,r; of the cities czar burglaries <br />are vehicles that are lefitollocked, The totalfirearn is stolen <br />left ftom motor vehiclesfi-orae 2014 is <br />(5)five, 2015 is (19) nineteen, 2016 is (20) tvventy and firom,,kinuaty to April 2017 is (9) <br />nine. <br />Comparing the loss sunnneny,fi-om 2014 to 2016, the Cit.), ofaris had as total of$97,381 in <br />reported stolen properlY ill 2014, $9�8,263 in 2015 and $118,4 79 ill 201& h -or thefirst (4) <br />tblfl- Months ol'2017 the CitY qflaris has had as reported $30,588 in suden property <br />attributed to inotor vehicle burglarki. The City also has seen (in increase in vehic1c'battery <br />Melis ivith a total qf'(21) tweniv-one ill 2017 alreadi% <br />2,2 Provide all assessment of tile tnotoi, vehicle theft problem in the coverage arre'l Of this <br />application <br />Themolor vehicle theft problent in our area is significant aficr e:vainilling NIC/3"S report oil <br />Hotspols 2015 (httl)s:Ilti,it,i,i,7.iiicb.oi-glthel(.aiid_fi-atid awarenessliop-places- j--j,ehj(Ie- <br />thells). 'An examination ofihis rel ?ort shoivs, the Task h-7-orce curlcwtv has (2) two eines that <br />make Ifts list tvith lXARKANA, 7"A' -Al? METRO making ilia list t (it number#74 and <br />SHE'RA14N-DENISOA, making the list (it # 123. This list is, composed ol'380 Nationwide <br />