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<br />PROJECT NARRATIVE <br /> <br />1. What is the specific problem to be addressed by this application? <br /> <br />The specific problem to be addressed by this application is the increased <br />amount of violent crimes against women, (including domestic violence) in the <br />City of Paris, Texas. <br /> <br />2. Explain the nature and extent of the problem using verifiable statistics <br />relevant to the proposed target area. <br /> <br />The target area is the City of Paris, Texas, (population 25,000). Over the last <br />five (5) years we have seen an increase of 39.7% in reported cases of crimes <br />against women. <br /> <br />1992 - 755 cases investigated resulting in 261 arrests <br /> <br />1993 - 804 cases investigated resulting in 263 arrests <br /> <br />1994 - 921 cases investigated resulting in 266 arrests <br /> <br />1995 -1,016 cases investigated resulting in 248 arrests <br /> <br />1996 . 1,055 cases investigated resulting in 239 arrests <br /> <br />(DATA eOMPILED BY THE PARIS POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDS DIVISION) <br /> <br />3. What resources are currently being used in the applicant's geographic area <br />to address this problem and how do those resources work together? <br /> <br />eurrently the Paris Police Department and Family Haven work together with <br />the local prosecutors and judges to enforce the laws and provide-some relief <br />to the female victims of crime and domestic violence. The Paris Police <br />Department responds to, investigates and prosecutes these incidents while <br />Family Haven provides a safe shelter and counseling. However, with the <br />increased crimes of this type, there is the need for a specialized unit to work <br />specifically on this problem. <br /> <br />4. Identify the gap in available resources or services that makes this application <br />necessary. <br /> <br />Currently there is no funding available to the eity of Paris or Family Haven to <br />hire police and Iiaisonlcounselors for the specific purposes of reducing <br />violent crimes against women. We handle these calls but are not afforded the <br />time and expertise to work in just this area. We believe that by having a <br />