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Upon approval Of substandard lot dimensions, the plat will comply with the Subdivision <br />regulations and zoning ordinance. <br />Carla Easton states City recommendation is to approve the preliminary and final plat. <br />Motion was made by John Lee and seconded by Mark PankaJ to approve the preliminary <br />plat. Motion carried 5-0. <br />11. onsideration of and ociion on the 17inal.Plal (.?I'Lot 1, Block A, Leeks Addition, located ell <br />7051' W .5tlr aStr eel. <br />Carla Easton reviewed the final plat with commissioners. <br />Motion was made by Keith Flowers, seconded by John Lee to approve the Filial Plat <br />subJect to Zoning Board of Adjustment approval of the necessary variance for lot depth, <br />width and area. Motion carried 5-0. <br />12 Consideration ofand action on the Preliminary Plat (?fLot 1, Block A, William 11arlan <br />A ddition, localed at 1770 E If"ashinglon a51reel. <br />Cada Easton, City Ingineer reviewed the preliminary Plat background and status of issue <br />with commissioners. <br />BACKGROUND: William Harlan owns Lot 5 City Block 2.52, located at 1770 E <br />Washington Street. Mr. Harlan has been approved for the Home Rehabilitation Assistance <br />program through the Texas Department of I-lealth and Community Affairs. Once all <br />zn <br />applicant is approved lbr the program the house that they currently live in will be <br />demolished and a new brick home constructed on the property. The property is currently <br />zoned Two Family Dwelling District (217). <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: 'The owner has submitted a preliminary plat and a final plat of the <br />property. Water and sewer service is available along E Washington St. A 5 foot <br />right-of-way dedication is required. The lot width does, not meet the MinjinUm required <br />by the Zoning Ordinance area regulations. Prior to final approval of the lot, the owner <br />Should seek a variance for these minirnUm requirements frorn the Zoning Board of <br />AdJUstment. Upon approval of substandard lot dimensions, the plat will comply with the <br />Subdivision regulations and zoning ordinance. <br />Carla Easton states City recommendation is to approve the preliminary and final plats <br />subject to the Zoning Board of adjustments approval of the necessary variance to lot <br />width, <br />