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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 25, 2018 <br />Page 8 <br />paving the grassy area between street and sidewalk, which would allow for a much better look <br />and would help with the maintenance issue. She said she had a petition of those on Church <br />Street who were in agreement with getting this done. <br />City Manager John Godwin explained that bids were opened last Thursday and at this <br />point, they could reject all bids and re -bid the project or approve the bid with a change order. <br />Mayor Clifford inquired about the cost of moving the sidewalk closer to the street to eliminate <br />the grass between the sidewalk and street. City Engineer Carla Easton estimated the cost to be an <br />additional $100,000, and explained that the sidewalk would need to be wider by two feet of <br />concrete because it would be closer to the street and would need to accommodate the ADA <br />requirement. Mayor Clifford said he was inclined to go with the residents. Council Member <br />Pilgrim agreed, in that Church Street was a major thoroughfare into the city. In looking at the <br />green grass growing over curbs on Pine Bluff, Council Member Portugal said it was a failure <br />when people do not take care of their property. Mr. Godwin said if Council was in agreement, <br />that staff could bring something back to them in two weeks. It was a consensus to do so. <br />24. Receive and discuss annual departmental reports from EMS, Police, Fire and Library. <br />Library Director Priscilla McAnally gave an update on the artwork restoration and <br />preservation, the status of the roof repairs, and information about the after-school programming. <br />EMS/IT Director Kent Klinkerman informed the City Council that the new city web -site <br />had been launched and in the near future, a new phone system would need to be purchased for <br />the city. He said there had been delays in getting the new northwest ESM station built; gave <br />them an overview of the transport workload and the need for a new paramedic. <br />Fire Chief Larry Wright told the City Council about station maintenance, the cancer <br />screening program, the recognition program for retailers for IED chemical purchases, the active <br />shooter training, protective equipment and the need for a third code crew. <br />Police Chief Bob Hundley said the overall crime statistics reduced 6.81% over 2016 <br />increase, calls for service decreased but arrests, arrests increased, the Canine Unit and fully staff <br />Narcotics Unit had success in drug arrests, and that drug use was still a major use. Chief <br />Hundley explained the drug issue played a big part in the crime against persons and crimes <br />against property. Chief Hundley said legislatively mandated and unfunded training had <br />increased, fewer people were applying to be a police officer, they were losing officers to higher <br />paying police departments or the private sector and it took nine months from hire to get an <br />officer on the street. He encouraged hiring incentives for certified officers with experience and <br />asked that they compact the 20 year top out pay to 10 year top -out. Chief Hundley depicted a <br />pay, comparison chart for review. He said the partnership with Lamar County Humane <br />Association was very successful, and expressed appreciation to the group. He also said the <br />police department was having a lot of issues with the phone system and would need a new <br />system in the near future. Chief Hundley expressed concern about the exterior of the police and <br />court building, in that brick was beginning to deteriorate and would eventually result in water on <br />the inside of the building if not repaired. <br />