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A.W. Clem asked if there was a possibility to approve the carport to be in a different <br />location. Carla Easton, City Engineer, stated there was not enough room anywhere else on <br />the lot for a vehicle to fit, so no modification of the variance would be possible. <br />Louise Hagood stated that Ms. Adams probably knew her car would not fit in the garage <br />when she purchased the home; therefore the matter is Ms. Adams' responsibility, and <br />agrees with all recommendations to deny petition. <br />Motion was made by Benny Plata, and seconded by A.W. Clem to deny the variance of 21 <br />foot to construct the detached carport. Motion carried 5-0. <br />6. Meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m. <br />APPROVED THE 4" DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2018. <br />Chairman <br />