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08/14/2018 Minutes
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08/14/2018 Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br />MAIN STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />TuesdayAugust 14, 2018 <br />4:30 PM <br />Present: <br />Absent: <br />Glee Emmite, Chair <br />Shelley McDowell <br />Becky Semple <br />Kevin Ashmore <br />Clayton Pilgrim — Council Liaison <br />Laurie Redus <br />Carolyn Patterson <br />John Brazile <br />Jane Helberg <br />City Staff <br />Cheri Bedford, Main <br />Street Manager <br />AGENDA <br />1. Glee Emmite called the meeting to order at 4:33 PM. <br />2. Citizens Forum — No one present for forum <br />3. July minutes — Jane Helberg asked for an explanation of the addresses mentioned in #4, Section B. The address <br />17/21 Clarksville Street was corrected to 17 & 21 Clarksville Street. The converted space at that address has been <br />restored to the original two buildings with separate addresses. A motion to approve the July 10, 2018 meeting <br />minutes with the correction was made by John Brazile, second by Kevin Ashmore, motion carried. <br />4. A motion was made by Glee Emmite to nominate John Brazile as the Promotions Chair. A second was made by <br />Laurie Redus, motion carried. <br />5. Committee discussion — <br />A. Design — Glee Emmite reported that she attended the National Association of Preservation Commission <br />Forums in Des Moines, Iowa along with Cheri Bedford and Chris Dux. They toured the Salisbury Mansion and the <br />Iowa State Capitol building the first day there. At the Forum, morning and afternoon sessions were available for the <br />group to attend a variety of topics based on need/interest. Glee attended the Main Street session entitled "The <br />Important Catalyst for Rural Revitalization." The Main Street model discussed in the session was the same model <br />currently used in Paris. Materials and packets were brought back to share with appropriate individuals. One <br />important concept learned was the importance of sharing and communicating Historic Preservation notes especially <br />with people who own vacant properties in downtown Paris. Newsletters would be an effective way to communicate <br />information and grant opportunities that are available. One session focused on the amount of lost downtown <br />revenue from vacant buildings and other revenue sources such as living spaces built above the businesses. With the <br />Toole Design Group in town, Paris is at the crest of expansive downtown revitalization activities. <br />B. Promotions — Chair John Brazile reported that the Promotions Committee would meet immediately following <br />the Main Street Meeting. Discussion would include Mannequin Night, Market Square Affair and Pumpkin Festival. <br />New members of the Main Street Committee were invited to volunteer on the Promotions Committee. <br />C. Organization — Chair Laurie Redus reported that she would meet next week with Cheri Bedford to go over the <br />parts of the Organization work plan. Laurie will be working to add new members to the committee as well as <br />getting a robust sign-up method for volunteers. Glee mentioned that a pool of volunteers is very important for <br />events such as the Market Square event scheduled for September 15, 2018. <br />D. Chamber & VCC — Becky Semple was not present for a report. <br />E. Paris Downtown Association — Glee Emmite, President of PDA, reported the group met to discuss supporting <br />Main Street's Mannequin Night which is scheduled for October 20, 2018 with Jill Awtrey chair of the event. Prizes <br />will be awarded by PDA for Best Window and Best Mannequin. At dark, the movie Halloween Night will be shown <br />in the burn -out space with free admission and parking. On August 3, 2018, PDA organized an Ice Cream Social <br />
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