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with approximately 150 people attending. Downtown stores were open and serving ice cream and sodas. The ice <br />cream was provided by each individual business. <br />F. Economic Vitality — Chair Kevin Ashmore reported that a committee meeting will be scheduled in the near <br />future with Mike Kennedy of HWH and other members to be added. The Chair explained that the purpose of the <br />Economic Vitality Committee is to bring more businesses to downtown and to encourage other businesses to <br />locate/relocate in the downtown space. Jane Helberg mentioned that she recently hoped to purchase a building <br />downtown but had to locate away from downtown because of the need for 18 parking spaces when her entire staff <br />attends a meeting. <br />Updates on the status of nominations for various awards: <br />• Glee Emmite: Best Downtown Partner — Peoples Bank, submitted in July for the President's Award (Texas <br />Downtown Association) <br />• Kevin Ashmore: South Main Iron — Best Commercial Interior The business is owned by Ryan and Chris <br />Whitaker and sells "previously enjoyed motorcycles." This business proves that downtown can be a popular and <br />profitable location. They created a "destination business" targeting a radius of a 3 -hour drive. The work on the <br />nomination for the President's Award (Texas Downtown Association) is still in progress. <br />• Laurie Redus: Texas Treasure Award — Texas Furniture (Nominee must be in business 50+ years.) The work <br />on the nomination is still in progress with no deadline on submission. The business was previously owned by Frank <br />Weaver and now owned by the Anthony family. Information is being gathered about both owners and locations. <br />The nomination will be submitted in the next few weeks to the Texas Historical Commission. <br />6. Main Street Manager's Report — Cheri Bedford <br />• Many ideas were brought back from the conference in Des Moines, Iowa. Discussions have taken place on <br />ways to reach out to residential and business owners downtown. Owners need to know that Paris is part of the <br />National Historical Register for both residential and the downtown district. This makes the properties eligible for <br />lots of things such as 17, 21 and 27 Clarksville Street owned by Janet Green. With the upper facade being removed <br />in July, Cheri Bedford is working with an officer from the Texas Historical Commission National Register to have <br />the buildings added as "contributing buildings" to the downtown. This designation means it will become eligible for <br />federal and state tax incentives. <br />• Marie Oehlerking-Read from the Texas Main Street design staff visited with Cheri Bedford and Janet Green to <br />discuss ideas for the new store front at 17 and 21 Clarksville Street. The goal is for the new lower store front to be <br />restored to a more historical look. Marie Oehlerking-Read also visited with Chris Dux at the location he is currently <br />renovating. <br />• Moffit Financial is in the final phase of the renovation on the west side of the plaza. <br />• The vacant property registry went into effect July 23, 2018. There are 40 properties identified for the registry. <br />Six have registered as of now with a deadline of October 23, 2018. The registry includes the following: emergency <br />contact(s), building information, plans for building and building caretakers. Each building must have a correct 911 <br />address, and the owners must provide liability insurance. A fee will be charged for vacant buildings because it <br />devalues the rest of downtown. The fees will go into a grant to improve the downtown district. <br />• Henry Printing is being gutted by HWH with a prospect for new tenants. <br />• Cheri Bedford is working with the city's engineering department since the Pumpkin Festival will be moved to <br />Bywaters Park and adjacent streets due to road construction downtown. The layout for the festival has to be <br />designed to fit the park. <br />• Hatch Chile Fest will be at Market Square September 1, 2018. They will roast 2,400 pounds of chiles <br />downtown. Games and a hamburger stand will be part of the mini -festival. Volunteers will be needed. <br />• The roof has been finished at 127 Lamar Avenue. The Main Street Committee will present the BIG check to <br />Lucy Funk, owner, in the near future. <br />• The Toole Design Firm is in Paris this week. The public meeting will be Thursday, August 14, 2018 in the <br />upstairs meeting room. Everyone is encouraged to attend and bring friends to view the plans for the downtown. <br />• Market Square Affair will be September 15, 2018. Tickets are available on line for this family -style dinner <br />event with all local foods being served. There are 100 tickets available. Volunteers are needed to set-up the event <br />and serve the dinner. Proceeds will be used for placing heaters in the public restrooms at Splash Park so that they <br />can be operational during the winter months. <br />• Cheri Bedford will be submitting the 10 Criteria Report in October 2018. All Main Street committees must have <br />a meeting with the minutes submitted to Cheri Bedford prior to the dcadline in October. <br />• Glee Emmite requested that the Main Street Work Program be placed on the agenda for the September 11, 2018 <br />meeting. <br />• John Brazile reported that South Main Cafe has plans to remodel the inside and outside of the building plus add <br />landscaping. They want to be part of the Paris downtown revitalization initiative. <br />