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<br />budget period, but must be spent in the next budgct period, or dcductcd from program cxpendirores. TIlls policy <br />will apply unless specifically staled othcrwisc in thc Special Provisions of the applicable contracl Attaclunent(s). <br />Under the deductive method, the PERFORMING AGENCY will deduct the program income from the total <br />allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. <br />2. Whcrc the PERFORMING AGENCY is reimburscd by RECEIVING AGENCY under a fixed price <br />arrangement, only the dcductive altcrnative for program income will be used. PERFORMING AGENCY <br />deducts the program income from the total allowable projcct costs to determine thc net allowable costs. <br /> <br />It is funher understood that RECEIVING AGENCY will base furorc funding levels, in parI, upon the PERFORMING <br />AGENCY's proficiency in identifying, billing, collecting, and reporting income, and in utilizing it for the purposes and <br />conditions of the applicablc Attacluncnt(s), <br /> <br />ARTICLE 15. F;"o"riol R.pods <br /> <br />Financial reports are requircd as provided in UGCMS and will be filcd by PERFORMING AGENCY regardless of <br />whether or nol expenses have been incurred. A Financial Staros Report, Slate of Texas Supplemental Form 269a <br />(TDH Form GC-4a), will be submitted within 30 days following the end of each of the first three quarters. A fmal <br />finaB:ial report, Slate of Texas Supplemental Form 269a (TDH Form GC-4a). will be submitted not later than 45 days <br />following !he end of Attaclunent term(s). If necessary, a Slate of Texas Purchase Voucher will be submitted if all costs <br />have nol been recovcred or a refund will be made of cxccss monies if costs incurred were less than funds received. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 16. Repnrtll: and Tn~pPf'tinno;: <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY will submit financial. program. progress, and other reports as requested by RECEIVING <br />AGENCY in the format agreed to by the parties hercto. <br /> <br />RECEMNG AGENCY and, when federal fWJds are involved. any authorized representative(s) of the federal governmcnt <br />have the right, at all reasonable times, to inspect or otherwise evaluate the work (including clicnt or patient records) <br />performed or being performed hereunder and the premises in which it is being performed, including subcontractors. <br />PERFORMING AGENCY will participate in and provide reasonable access, facilities, and assistance to the <br />represcntatives. All inspections and evaluations will be performed in such a manncr as will not unduly delay the work. <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY agrees that RECEIVING AGENCY and the federal government, or any of their duly <br />authorized representatives, will have access to any pertinent books, documents, papers, and client or palient records of <br />PERFORMING AGENCY for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcripts of transactions related <br />to contract Attaclunent(s). RECEIVING AGENCY will have the right to audit billings both before and after payment. <br />Payment under Attaclunent(s) will not foreclose the right of RECEIVING AGENCY to recover excessive or illegal <br />payments. <br /> <br />Any deficiencies identified by RECEIVING AGENCY upon examination of PERFORMING AGENCY's records will <br />be conveyed in writing to PERFORMING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY's resolution of fmdings will also be <br />conveyed in writing to RECEIVING AGENCY within 30 days of receipt of RECEIVING AGENCY's fmdings. A <br />determination by RECEIVING AGENCY of either an inadequate or inappropriate resolution of the findings may result <br />in the withholding of funds, as provided in Terms and Conditions of Payment Article. Any such withholding of funds <br />will remain in effect until the fmdings are properly remedied as determined by RECEIVING AGENCY. <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY will relain all such records for a period of thrce years from !he date of !he last expenditure <br />report submined under contract Attaclunent(s) or until resolution of all audit questions, whichever time period is longer. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 17. rUp"1 Rprned, <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY, or any subcontractor, shall not transfcr an identifiable client record, including a patient <br />record, to ano!her entity or person without written consent from the client or patient, or someone authorized to act on his <br /> <br />(utS) <br /> <br />1997 GENERAL PROVISIONS - Page 7 <br /> <br />(5/96) <br />