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<br />PERFORMING AGENCY will refund to RECEIVING AGENCY any funds PERFORMING AGENCY claims and <br />receives from RECEIVING AGENCY for the reimbursement of costs which arc determined by RECEIVING AGENCY <br />to be ineligible for reimbursement. <br /> <br />RECEMNG AGENCY will have the right to widlhold all or part of any futurc payments to PERFORMING AGENCY <br />to offset any reimbursement made to PERFORMING AGENCY for any ineligible expenditures not refunded to <br />RECEIVING AGENCY by PERFORMING AGENCY. Repayment may be taken from this contract Attachment or other <br />active contract Attachments with the same funding source between the panics in amounts necessary to fulfill <br />PERFORMING AGENCY repayment obligations. <br /> <br />Payment may be denied for noncompliance if rcquired financial reports arc not on file for prcvious quarters or for the <br />Cmal period, for failure to respond to financial compliance monitoring reports, for failure to submit independent audit <br />reports as required by applicable OMB Circulars, or if program requirements arc not met as specified in the Scope(s) of <br />Work. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 13, ~ <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY may request, in writing, a one time advance per Attachment with written justification and <br />the concurrence of RECEIVING AGENCY. Amount of advance will be determined by the amount and tenn of the <br />applicable Attachment(s). For each twelve (12) month Attaclunent, the amount of dle advance will not exceed one-sixth <br />(l/6th) of the total reimbursable amount. Advance will be requested on a State of Texas Purchase Voucher at the <br />beginning of the applicable Attachment period or at a single later time in the applicable Attachment period if circumstances <br />so warrant and the request is approved. Advance funds will be liquidated during thc applicable Attaclunent tenn so that, <br />after final monthly billing, PERFORMING AGENCY will not have advance funds on hand. Advance funds may be <br />drawn only to meet immediate cash needs for disbursement. <br /> <br />Amendments to applicable Attachment(s) may require upward or downward adjusbnent to the allowable advance until it <br />equates 1I6th of a twelve-month Attachment. In dle case of a downward adjusbnent, PERFORMING AGENCY and <br />RECEIVING AGENCY will agree on the amount of adjusbnent to dle advance. RECEIVING AGENCY retains the <br />option to reduce future claims by the required amount. In dle case of an upward adjusbnent and if PERFORMING <br />AGENCY needs additional funds to meet immediate operating expenses, PERFORMING AGENCY may submit to <br />RECENlNG AGENCY a written justification and State of Texas Purchase Voucher in the amount necessary to'eorrect <br />the ratio. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 14. ~gr"m Incnm. <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY will develop a fce for service system and a schedule of fees for personal health services in <br />accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12, Sub-<:hapter D, Health and Safety Code, and the Texas Board of He,alth <br />rules covering Fees for Clinical Health Services, 25 TAC Section 1.91, and other applicable laws provided, however, <br />that a patient may not be denied a service due to inability to pay. <br /> <br />Bolh parties agree all revenues direcdy generated by an Attachment(s) supported activity or earned only as a result of the <br />Attacluncnt(s) during the tenn of dle Attachment(s) arc considered progranl income. 1bis income will be identified and <br />reponed quanerly and annually utilizing the report forms identified in the Financial Reports Article of these provisions. <br />PERFORMING AGENCY will retain dle program income and use one of the following alternatives: <br /> <br />1. Where the PERFORMING AGENCY is reimbursed by RECEIVING AGENCY under a cost reimbursement <br />method, the additive or deductive alternatives for program income may be used. Under dle additive method, <br />PERFORMING AGENCY will add the program income to dle funds already committed to the project by both <br />the RECENlNG AGENCY and PERFORMING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY agrees program income <br />will be used to further the program objectives of the State/Federal statute under which the Scope of Work for <br />the Attachmcnt(s) was made and must be spent in the same project where it was generated. Program income <br />earned in a current budget period and not expended in that budget period may be carried forward to the next <br /> <br />(UIS) <br /> <br />1997 GENERAL PROVISIONS. Page 6 <br /> <br />(5/96) <br /> <br />'. <br />