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<br />To be eligible for reimbursement under this contract, a cost must have been incurred and paid by PERFORMING <br />AGENCY within the applicable Attachment term prior to claiming reimbursement from RECEIVING AGENCY. Costs <br />encumbered by the last day of the applicable Attachmcnt term must be liquidated no later than 45 days after the end of <br />the applicable Attachment term. <br /> <br />Effective July I, 1996, each PERFORMING AGENCY/AUTHORIZED CONTRACTING ENTITY receiving $300,000 <br />or more ih total federallstate financial assistance during its fiscal year shail arrange for a [mancial and compliance audit <br />of the PERFORMING AGENCY's/AUTHORlZED CONTRACTING ENTITY's fiscal year. The audit must be <br />conducted by an independent CPA and must be in accordance with the applicable OMB Circulars, Government Auditing <br />Standards, and UGCMS. For the purposes of this contract, the audit provisions of OMB Circular A-133 shail apply to <br />for-profit contracting entities. Procurement of audit services will comply with state procurement procedures, as well as <br />the provisions of UGCMS. <br /> <br />If PERFORMING AGENCY is receiving less that $300,000 in total federal/state [mancial assistance during their fiscal <br />year, RECEIVING AGENCY will provide PERFORMING AGENCY wriuen audit requirements. <br /> <br />OMB Circulars shall be applied with the following modifications: All references to "Federal Grantor Agency(ies)" shall <br />be expanded to read "Federal or State Grantor Agency(ies)," All references to "Federal Grant Funds" or "Federal <br />Assistance" shall be expanded to read "Federal and State Assistance;" "Federal Law" shall be expanded to read "Federal <br />or Slate Law;" and all references to "Federal Government" shall be expanded to read "Federal or State Government," as <br />applicable. <br /> <br />Within 30 days of receipt of the audit report, PERFORMING AGENCY/AUTHORIZED CONTRACTING ENTITY will <br />submit a copy to RECEIVING AGENCY's Internal Audit Division. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 11. Ovrrtimp rnmppnli:~tion <br /> <br />None of the funds provided by this contract will be used to pay overtime. PERFORMING AGENCY will be responsible <br />for any obligations of overtime pay due employees. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 12. Tprmo;;: :mrl t:nnrlitinno;;: of Paymrnt <br /> <br />For services satisfactorily performed pursuant to the Seope(s) of Work, PERFORMING AGENCY will receive <br />reimbursement for allowable costs. Reimbursements will not exceed the total of each Attachment(s) hereto and are <br />contingent on a signed contract. <br /> <br />Claims for reimbursement will be made on a State of Texas Purchase Voucher (TDH Form B-13). Vouchers for <br />reimbursement of actual expenses will be submitted monthly within 20 days following the end of the month covere4 by <br />the bill. A make-up claim may be submitted as a final close-out bill not later than 45 days following the end of the <br />applicable Attachment term(s). Advaoce payment may be requested in accordance with the applicable provisions of this <br />contract. <br /> <br />Payments made for approved claims or notice of denial of claims submitted against Attachment(s) to this contract will be <br />mailed not later than 60 days after receipt of monthly vouchers. Payment is considered made on the date posanarked. <br />Any reimbursements made by PERFORMING AGENCY to subcontractors will be made in accordance with Chapter <br />2251, Texas Government Code. <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY may request, in writing, to be placed on Direct Deposit status. If this request is approved <br />by RECEIVING AGENCY, PERFORMING AGENCY will no longer receive copies of reimburscment vouchers. <br /> <br />Funding from this contract willoot be used to supplant state or local funds, but PERFORMING AGENCY will use such <br />funds to increase state or local funds currently available to PERFORMING AGENCY for a particular activity. <br />PERFORMING AGENCY further agrees to maintain its current level of support, if any, <br /> <br />(UIS) <br /> <br />1997 GENERAL PROVISIONS - Page 5 <br /> <br />(5/96) <br />