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<br />If applicable, PERFORMING AGENCY will comply wiUlthe Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 <br />(CLlA), 42 U.S.C. ~263a (P.L. 100-578) which establish federal requirements Cor the regulation and certification of <br />clinical laboratories . <br /> <br />If applicable, PERFORMING AGENCY will comply WiUI the OSHA Rcgulations on Bloodborne Pathogens, 56 Fed. Reg. <br />64175 (1991), 29 CFR 1919.030, which set safety standards Cor those workers and Cacilities who may handle bloodborne <br />pathogens . <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY assures it will not transCer or assign its interest in this contract without the written consent <br />of the RECEIVING AGENCY. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 9. Stand:u:.ds..-Eor Fin:mrbl :mrl <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY will devclop, implement, and maintain financial mamgement and control systems that meet <br />or exceed the requirements oC UGCMS. TIlose requirements include at a minimum: <br /> <br />1. Financial planning, including the development of budgets that adequately reflect all functions and resources <br />necessary to carry out authorized activities and the adequate determination of costs; <br />2. Financial mamgement systems including accurate, correct, and complete payroll, accounting, and fUlll11cial <br />reporting records; cost source documentation; effective internal and budgetary controls; detennination of <br />reasonableness, allowability, and allocability of costs; and timely and appropriate audits and resolution of any <br />fmdings; and, <br />3. Billing and collection policies, including a charge schedule, a system for discounting or adjusting charges based <br />on a person's income and family size, and a mechanism capable of billing and making reasonable efforts to <br />collect from patients and tl1ird parties. <br /> <br />In addition, PERFORMING AGENCY agrees to bill third party payors, at no cost to the client, for services provided <br />under the Attachment(s). These potential payors include, but arc not limited to, Medicaid, private insurance carriers, <br />other available federal, state, local and private funds, etc. PERFORMING AGENCY is required to become a Medicaid <br />provider for applicable program activities Cunded in the Attaclunent(s) hereto. and will maximize efforts to obtain payment <br />from Medicaid and all other available sources. <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY, if designated a 50 1 (c)(3) organization as defined in Ule Internal Revenue Code or a for-profit <br />organization, and its governing board, shall bear full responsibility for the integrity of the fiscal and progranunatic <br />management of the organization. Such management shall include accountability for all Cunds and materials received from <br />the RECEIVING AGENCY; compliance with RECEIVING AGENCY rules, policies, and procedures, and applicable <br />federal and stalC laws and regulations; and correction of fiscal and program deficiencies identified through self-evaluation <br />and the RECEIVING AGENCY's monitoring processes. Ignorance of any contract provisions or other requirem~nts <br />conlained or referenced in the contract shall not constitute a dcfense or basis Cor waiving or appealing such provisions <br />or requiremelllS. Further, PERFORMING AGENCY's governing board shall ensure separation of powers, duties, and <br />functions of board members and staff. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 10. Al1ow:1hlr. rod.;: :'Inri Andi.l..Requil:cmcnt.s <br /> <br />Only those costs allowable under UGCMS and any revisions tllereto plus any applicable federal cost principles arc eligible <br />for reimbursement under this contract, Applicable cost principles, audit requirements and administrative requirements <br />are as follows: <br /> <br />Audit <br />App1il":'Ihlr rm:t Prinr:ipk.s. Rcqllirl"':mr.nts <br /> <br />Ad.mjnil:;.tr:lfiv~ <br />R.cqllirl"':mr-nt'i. <br /> <br />A-87, State & Local Governments Circular A-128 <br /> <br />UGCMS <br /> <br />(U1S) <br /> <br />1997 GENERAL PROVISIONS - Page 4 <br /> <br />(5/96) <br /> <br />'. <br />