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4. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition ofAmerican SpiralWeld Pipe <br />Company LLC on behalf of the City of Paris for a change in zoning from a One -Family <br />Dwelling District (SF2) to a Heavy Industrial District (HI), in the City of Paris, Block 305, Lot <br />6, identified as LCAD Parcel ID 18627. <br />Godwin states his comments for this item and the next are that American SpiralWeld has <br />entered into an economic development agreement with the Paris Economic Development <br />Corporation and the City of Paris to construct and operate a large industrial facility. As part of <br />that agreement, ASW will receive land from both the PEDC and the city. The PEDC land is <br />currently zoned a combination of Heavy Industrial and Light Industrial. The city land is zoned <br />SF -2 Residential, though that use is entirely incompatible with neighboring properties and a <br />tower already exists there. <br />Public hearing declared open. <br />No one spoke in favor nor against the petition. <br />Public hearing declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Chad Lindsey, seconded by Keith Flowers to approve the zoning change. <br />Motion carried 6-0. <br />5. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition ofAmerican SpiralWeld Pipe <br />Company LLC on behalf of the Paris Economic Development Corporation for a change in <br />zoning from a Light Industrial District (LI) to a Heavy Industrial District (HI), for four <br />properties identified as LCAD Parcel ID's 115909; 18623; 124273 and 20972. <br />Godwin advised although LI may be sufficient for the purpose of this facility, in order to ensure <br />they fully comply with all zoning and other requirements, both now and in the future, ASW is <br />requesting that all LI and Residential zoning districts be changed to HI to ensure a single, <br />consistent zoning that will address their needs both now and in the future. He agrees with the <br />wisdom of that plan and recommends to the city council approval of the zoning change. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />Carolyn Briley, 2510 W Campbell St. Paris, Texas states she is here to oppose the zoning <br />change for LCAD Parcel ID 18623 which adjoins her property. Briley states she has resided <br />here for thirty-four years and raised her family. She plans to spend many more quiet, <br />