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creating more of a traffic problem there than it currently has. Ressler asks that the board <br />approves the petition. <br />Patty Metzcher, 340 39"' SE Street, states she is against the petition due to the fact they are <br />already covered with retail and commercial businesses in this area. There is lots of traffic and <br />noise from Town Center to 42nd Street. Metzcher states she is concerned of the property values <br />going down if something is built on this property. Any dirt work will cause flooding problems. <br />They have put a lot of time and money into making their homes beautiful and don't want <br />anything to change that. <br />Ruth Patterson, 320 SE 39th Street, her backyard looks into this empty field and states she <br />would not have purchased her home if she knew retail was going to be there. The traffic would <br />be a burden and the property values would go down. Patterson asks the board to deny this <br />petition. <br />Lynn English, 3905 Oleander Street, states this property backs up to the corner of his property. <br />He states there is currently so much noise from the dumpsters, traffic and late night activity. <br />Stating late at night you can hear people congregating around PETCO and drag racing. He <br />doesn't want anything to add to that and is against this petition. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Commissioner Lindsey asked Ressler for clarity as to what the buyer's intentions are with this <br />property. Ressler states the buyers have no interest to build anything on the property. They <br />merely want to keep people from back there and keep the traffic down. <br />Motion was made by Keith Flowers, seconded by Chad Lindsey to approve the zoning change. <br />Motion carried 6-0. <br />4. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Kacy Smyers on behalf <br />of Linda McCarrell for a change in zoning from an Agricultural District (A) to a <br />Commercial District (C), in the A208 E Crow Survey, Tract 60, being located at 4115 Pine <br />Mill Rd <br />