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4. Discussion regarding private hangar leases. <br />Godwin states that almost all of the leases are a little different, so he went through and read <br />all of them prior to the meeting. The template that was adopted by the Airport Board and City <br />Council two years ago is a 40 -year lease with two five year extensions. Several of the leases <br />state that no rent is owed for the first 25 to 35 years, so there are some that still do not owe <br />rental fees. Godwin states that proof of insurance coverage is required with all hangar leases. <br />Triniti Frazier will send letters to all hanger lease owners to make them aware of this change <br />and that all hangars are covered. Mr. Ball stated that a copy of the policy should be required <br />as well. <br />Motion was made to skip down to item 8 by Nathan Bell and seconded by Anna Spencer. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />S. Discussion regarding the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). <br />Godwin stated that the RAMP money is for maintenance type items such as pavement <br />improvements in Hangar B, channel and ditch work, headwall and drainage work, pavement, <br />and parking improvements by Hangar I; pavement by Hangar H, circle drive for the terminal, <br />and terminal parking; improvements to Collier Drive, as well as light and signage <br />improvements and re -striping the ramp. The yearly allowance is $100,000 per year, the city <br />pays half and TXDOT pays half. The portion that is paid for by the city is reimbursed at the <br />end of the year. A RAMP list will be presented in a future meeting with all of the <br />improvements that are needed. <br />Item 9 was moved up since Nathan Bell has to leave early and that is an action item. <br />6. Discussion regarding the new hangar construction project. <br />Godwin stated that he spoke with Mr. Marino recently and he is satisfied with the progress so <br />far; however his contractors are being slower than expected. Mr. Marino also stated the only <br />reason he hasn't signed the lease yet is because he doesn't want it to expire before necessary <br />due to the pending construction. <br />7. Discussion regarding aviation class with Paris Junior College. <br />Nathan Bell stated that he does not have the backing of Mrs. Anglin to pursue any aviation <br />classes at Paris Junior College. A citizen presented the idea to teach English for foreign <br />speakers because most countries require commercial pilots to communicate in English. That <br />angle might interest educators, which would make PJC like a "one-stop shop" where students <br />could get their English education, training, and practice updated, as well as flight lessons. Mr. <br />Ball stated he would add this to next month's agenda. <br />