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<br />4. The Department, St. :~troller of Public ACCDlrIts, State Aut .S Office, or any of their duly <br />authorized represent..,ives, shell heve .accesa to any books, doc:uuents, papers, and recorda of the <br />sponsor which Irl pertinent to I specific project for thl pol."..1 of moklng ludits, ......ination. <br />excerpts and transcripts. <br /> <br />I. Project Tenafnation <br /> <br />,. Th. Deportment lilY t"""",rlrlly .usperd TRPA I.sisuncl <rod.r the project perding corrective .ction by <br />the sponsor or perding I docilion to t.rminatl the gront by the Deportment. <br /> <br />2. The sponSor may ""neterally teraaiNlte the project at any tf.. prior to the first payment on the <br />project. After the initial payment, the project _y be terminated, llIOC1ified, or emended by the sponsor <br />only by IUtuol Igreement with the Deportlllent. <br /> <br />3. The Deperunent _y tel"lllinate the project in whole, or In part, at any time before the date of <br />coq:tletion, whenever it fa determined that the sponsor has failed to cCIn'f)ly with the conditions of the <br />gront. The Deportlllent will pr~tly notify the sponsor In writing of the determination oncI the reasons <br />for tennination, together with the effective date. Plyment. made to the sponsor or recoveries by the <br />Deperunent Lrlder projects tenainated for cause shall be in accord with the legal right. and liabil Ities <br />of the parties. <br /> <br />4. The Department or sponsor _y te,..inate grants in whole, or in part, at e/T'f thne before the date of <br />e:oq:tletion, when both parties agree that the contin..&ation of the project would not prodJce beneficial <br />results coamensurate with the further expenditure of fU'ds. The two parties shill agree ~ the <br />termination conditions, Including the effective date oncI, In the case of partial termination. the <br />portions to be teminated. The sponsor shall not incur new obl igations for the tenainated portion <br />after the effective date, and shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. The Department <br />may allow full credit to the sponsor for the State share of the non-cancelable obliuations, properly <br />incurred by the sponsor. pending written receipt of the detemination and the reasons for tenaination, <br />together with the effective date. Payments In8de to the sponsor or recoveries by the Department U"lder <br />projects teMllinated for cause shill be in accord with the legal rights oncI liabilities of the parties. <br /> <br />5. Termination either for cause or for convenience requires that the project In question be brOUflht to I <br />state of recreational usefulness agreed upon by the sponsor and the Department, or that all funds <br />provided by the Deportllllnt be returned. <br /> <br />J. Noncompliance <br /> <br />In the event that the sponsor does not cCIq)ly with provisions as set forth in the grant contract Igreement <br />and Procedural Guide regarding both active project CCIrq)lfance and CClII'C)lfance at previously aaalsted grant <br />sites, the following actions /lIlY bt taken: <br /> <br />1. The Department MY withhold paysaent to the sponsor: <br /> <br />2. Th. DeporU*lt moy withhold Ictlon on pending projects proposed by the sponsor: <br /> <br />3. If the above Ictions do not achieve progr_ ccxrplfance, the Depart:lDent IDlY involve the State Attorney <br />General's Office, pursuant to Section 24 of the Parks' Yfldllfe Code. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I hlv. r..d the General Provisions oncI..-.derstoncl that the project sponsor which I represent will be responsible <br />for ~lfance with the above conditions IS I result of the receipt of grant Issistance frcn the Texas <br />Recreation l Parks Account Program. It is also understood that the General provisions are pert of the grant <br />contract lureement. <br /> <br /> <br />Signature of Official Authorized in Resolution <br /> <br />Michael E. Malone, City Manager of Paris <br />(Name end Tltlel <br /> <br />~ - S'-f)" <br /> <br />(Dati) <br /> <br />(Page 4 of 4) <br />