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PIE -DC Board Meethig Win utes <br />February 18, 2019 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Di ials'. <br />Mr. Hernandez said that the American Sp crap expenses for January -were $17,000.00. Mr. Paris pointed <br />out. under the American. SpiralWeld expenses it shows GHD Services. GHD did core boring at the Oliver <br />Rubber site and the asbestos work at the Superior Switch site. Ray's Tree Service is the first paymentfor <br />our clean-up of therail west of 19d' Street.. The rail was cleaned up for the purpose of getting a scope of <br />work from 16amichi for (lie next step in the process. Under the New Business Park the first -two payments <br />totaling $10,172.88 to Lamar National Bank is for the loarl on the property. Mr. Hernandez said that the <br />other expenditures for the month were normal. On the second page under Marketing, "T'EAM Texas was a <br />$3,000.00 expense. M.r. Paris told the Board that working with "I'EAM Texashellps thernarketing dollars to <br />go further, since -we work together as a grou.1). The expenses for OnTop orf Qt Cateing and .parisParty and <br />.Event Rental were for the event with the Governor in December. Ja7zy Frog is a yearly fee formanaging <br />the PEDC website. The expense ffir Sanchez Land Care is to keep -the retention pond in the NW Business <br />Park clean frommoss andfoliage. Mr. Paris conimented on the last page of the Monthly Budget that. our <br />cash is just over four million dollars. Dr.:Has:.. made a motion to approve the January 2019 financials. <br />Mr. Hamill seconded the motion. Vote was 4 --ayes to 0 --nays, <br />D e 2017-2018 fiscal year as presented by <br />Brittanv Martin of'.McClanahan and Holmes, <br />Mr. Marmijag introduced.Ms. Brittany Martin with McClanahan and Holmes to present 1he PED C yearly <br />audit. Ms. Martin started with the 2017-2018 Annudl Financial Report which contains the opinion on the <br />audit. The opinion gi ven is that the PEDC has a clean audit. Page 3 of the audit is fine Balance Sheet and the <br />one item that stands out is the $400,000.00 Note Receivable to Campbell"s Soup which is a cashback or <br />forgivable note, The Debt Service Fund will be eliminated.riext year, the fund balance will moved to the <br />General Fund for the coming year. Mr. Hernandez asked about the -two million dollars under Land <br />Development Costs; his question was were thisnioney was spent bylocation. Ms. Martin answered that <br />they have the information and. will send the spreadsheet to Mr. Paris. Dr. Hashrrii asked what the PEDC <br />debt to asset ratio is; he wouild like to see the total commitments. Ms. Martin pointed to the Income <br />Statement and showed that the adjustment for $6,780.00 for the copier was taken out of the expense and put <br />into assets.. The Corninunications Report shows all the journal entries for ttie year. 1'his report tells whether <br />or not the entity has issues. Mr. Manning thanked Ms. Martin for presenting the audit. Dr. Hasp made a <br />motion to approve the 2017-2018 Audit. Mr. Hernandez seconded the motion. Vote was 4 -ayes to 0 --nays. <br />BigQL �)eni <br />ng .—Asbestos Abatement..and, Disposal for former Superior SwitchBuffdjRg_RL2�j� <br />LOOP 286. Final Decision after Bids are Evaluated and within Five Business_pays. <br />Mr. Paris stated that the bids for asbestos abatement and disposal would be opened. today. Th. e.PEDC will <br />work with GHD to review the bids and score according to the criteria, that was requested in theRequest for <br />.Bid. We will notify each entity the decision. Welhave live business days to evaluate the bids, -which -would <br />be by 4:00 p.m. on February 25, 2019. <br />