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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br />CITY OF PARIS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />WEDNESDAY MARCH 13, 2019 <br />Present: <br />Absent <br />Chris Dux, Chairman <br />Sarah Barbee <br />Matt Coyle, Vice Chair <br />Randy Hider, Secretary <br />Guests: <br />Mike Lazar <br />Paul Denney <br />Glee Emmite <br />Brandon Schmidt <br />JOIFIMMIM <br />Cheri Bedford HPO <br />Linda Knox Council Liaison <br />1, Chairman Dux called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m <br />3. Discussion and action was taken on the following Certificates oaf Appropriateness. <br />IM 1 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Dux to recuse Commissioner Emmite to present <br />her rehabilitation project, seconded by Commissioner Coyle. Motion carried. <br />above the transom windows, which will be removed to expose the original brick. <br />Transom windows remain intact and will be restored. Below the canoplv- there �rvdans <br />to rehabilitate the lower levelfa!�ade. This includes two doors on either side ofa display <br />window, one leading to an upper story loft on the right, and the left leading into the <br />storefront. Doors will be made ofwood. <br />Mrs. Emmite then described her rearfagade improvements, The windows in the rear of <br />the property on the secondfloor will be replaced with a two over two double hung <br />aluminum clad wooden window. The bottomfloor window is intact and will be restored <br />to use. In place of the existing doors, two new mahogany doors will be built, and <br />transom windows and a small rain canopy will be added. <br />Mrs, Emmitefielded questionsfrom the commission about the project. Hearing no <br />other questions Commissioner Dux calledfor a motion. Commissioner Coyle made a <br />motion to approve theJaVade improvements as presented as all restorations meet the <br />design requirements listed in the Design Standardsfor Paris Historic Commercial <br />District. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lazar, motion carried- unanimous <br />