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MINUTES <br />PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 E. KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS TEXAS <br />MONDAY JULY 1 2019 <br />5:30 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />1. The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by <br />Keith Flowers, Chairman. <br />All members were present. <br />Also present were staff members John Godwin, Carla Easton, Triniti Frazier, Clyde Crews, <br />city council liaisons Dr. Steve Clifford, Billy Trenado and concerned citizens. <br />2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting. (June 3, 2019) <br />Motion was made by Sims Norment, seconded by Rick Hundley to approve minutes for <br />the June 3, 2019 meeting. Motion carried 7-0. <br />3. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of James O'Bryan for a <br />change in zoning from a Single -Family Dwelling District (SF2) to Neighborhood Service <br />(NS), in the Mayer Addition, Block 3, Lot 27, located at 3150 Bonham Street and 10 NW <br />32nd Street. <br />Motion was made by James O'Bryan to recuse himself from this item, seconded by Keith <br />Flowers. Motion carried 7-0. <br />Godwin states this is a similar case to what we saw a month ago. Last year this commission <br />and city council approved a comprehensive plan, which includes the land use plan. This <br />application is consistent with the future land use plan. There is a business that is operating <br />on this lot as well as a home lived in by Dr. O'Bryan. This request is to change the zoning <br />from S172 residential to Neighborhood Service for the purpose of continuing to operate a <br />beauty shop that has operated on this lot for a number of years. It is currently a legal non- <br />conforming use. It has a certificate of occupancy so it is legal. It just doesn't comply with <br />current zoning. This agenda item is consistent with the future land use plan, therefore, staff <br />recommends approval of this request. <br />