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Regular Council Meeting <br />July 22, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br />Mr. Godwin outlined the highlights of the 2019-20 recommended budget, beginning with <br />the general fund. He said there was no change in the existing tax rate of $55.195 per $100 of <br />valuation; a replacement of outdated phone system at the police and courts building; seniority <br />pay for police and fire supervisors; programmed increase in debt service for fire apparatuses; <br />new ambulance and associated equipment; code enforcement equipment; contract mowing; Grant <br />matches for HOME program, Main Street CDBG sidewalk, and safe routes to school; one new <br />community service employee, one added code enforcement officer; expanded downtown grants; <br />mill and inlay miscellaneous streets; park grant match for pump track; pool and park <br />improvements; revised development fees; no new utilities employees; replacement water and <br />sewer equipment; capital maintenance improvement sat the water treatment plan, rehab water <br />treatment plant building, and WTP pumps; lift station rehabilitation; tasks 1-3 of engineering <br />services agreement for conceptual design of sewer plant; previously implemented water and <br />sewer rate increase. Next, Mr. Godwin said cities reviewed development fees, and said that a <br />City did not make money on these fees. He said the fees were to recoup the costs of providing <br />for inspection type services. Mr. Godwin said a new state law prohibited fees from being used <br />based on the value of property or improvements. He also said since the City based building fees <br />on the estimated value of improvements, that they must change the fee structure. Mr. Godwin <br />said some of Paris' fees had not been adjusted since the 1970s. <br />Mr. Godwin answered questions from City Council and reminded them that in addition to <br />their regular September meetings, they would have two special meetings on September 3 and <br />September 16. <br />18. Discuss development fees and provide direction to staff. <br />Mr. Godwin said he discussed this item with the budget, and would bring an ordinance <br />for consideration at their September 16 meeting. <br />19. Discuss and act on RESOLUTION NO. 2019-025: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, FORGIVING CERTAIN CIVIL <br />PENALTIES ASSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 801 W. <br />WASHINGTON STREET; FINDING A PUBLIC PURPOSE IN SUPPORT OF SAME; <br />MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; <br />AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Mr. Godwin apologized for not having the information in the packet, and said this came <br />up at the last minute. He said from time to time City staff waived code penalties and interest on <br />properties when those charges become so high as to make a sale impossible. Mr. Godwin said <br />the costs were far more than the property was worth and because of the amount, these fees <br />required Council authorization. He explained that the prospective buyers planned to rebuild an <br />existing house and improve the lot and its taxable value. Ms. Harris said the City would recoup <br />the demolition fee of $750.00, and explained the BSC orders. Council Member Knox inquired <br />about the back taxes, and Mr. Godwin said he did not know about the back taxes, but that would <br />be handled at closing. This was forgiving fees, interest and penalties. <br />
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