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<br />CAMPBELL SOUP PROPERTY - EASEMENTS FOR WATERLINE <br />BOOSTER PUMP STATION PROJECT NO. 92WSRBOl-93 <br /> <br />TRACT ONE - 30 FOOT PERMANENT EASEMENT: <br />SITUATED within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, <br />County of Lamar and State of Texas, a part of the Reddin Russell <br />survey, and being Lot 1, Ci ty Block 298, descr ibed in deed from <br />Hettie Smith to Joseph Campbell, recorded in Volume 360, Page 100, <br />Real Property Records, Lamar County, Texas, also being part of the <br />same property conveyed from Joseph Campbell Company to Campbell Soup <br />Company, recorded in Volume 373, Page 288, Deed Records of said <br />county and state, and being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the southeast corner of said Lot 1; THENCE along <br />the south boundary line of Lot 1, a distance of 436.43 feet, more or <br />less, to the PRINCIPAL POINT OF BEGINNING; <br />THENCE in a northerly direction, parallel and contiguous to an <br />existing 30 foot permanent easement, a distance of 420 feet, more or <br />less, to a point in the south boundary line of Highway 286; <br />THENCE easterly along the south boundary line of Highway 286, a <br />distance of 30 feet, more or less, to a point; <br />THENCE, southerly parallel to the west side of the above <br />described easement, a distance of 420 feet to a point in the south <br />boundary line of said Lot 1; <br />THENCE, westerly, along the south boundary line of said Lot 1, a <br />distance of 30 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.289 <br />acres of land, <br /> <br />TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT described as follows: <br />BEING a strip of land fifty (50) feet in width located in the <br />Redding Russell Survey, Lamar County, Texas, and being over, under <br />and across the tract of land conveyed to CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY by <br />deed recorded in Book 373, Page 288, Deed Records, of said County and <br />State; said fifty (50) foot temporary easement being 50 feet east of <br />the east boundary line of said permanent easement. <br /> <br />TRACT TWO - 50 FOOT PERMANENT EASEMENT: <br />SITUATED within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, <br />County of Lamar and State of Texas, a part of the Reddin Russell <br />survey, and being a part of the property described in deed from <br />Hettie Smith to Joseph Campbell, recorded in Volume 360, Page 100, <br />Real Property Records, Lamar County, Texas, also being part of the <br />same property conveyed from Joseph Campbell Company to Campbell Soup <br />Company, recorded in Volume 373, Page 288, Deed Records of said <br />county and state, and being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point of intersection of the north boundary line <br />of Highway 286 and the west boundary line of the Frisco Railroad, <br />thence along the nor th boundary line of Highway 286, S 850 w, a <br />d is tance of 1190,45 feet to the PRINC IPAL POINT OF BEGINNING, said <br />point being the west side of an existing 30 feet easement for an <br />existing 30 inch watermain where it intersects the north boundary <br />line of Highway 286; <br />THENCE in a northerly direction, parallel and contiguous to the <br />west side of said existing 30 foot easement, a distance of 1555 feet, <br />more or less, to a point which intersects an existing easement for a <br />33 inch watermain, and a 30 inch watermain as recorded in the Lamar <br />County Real Property Records Volume 45, Page 20, and Volume 359, page <br />115 ; <br />THENCE West, a distance of 50 feet to a point; <br />THENCE in a southerly direction, parallel to the east boundary <br />