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exl:)enses such as advertising, printing, candidate.! bacla,ground and reference checks, and trav(,,,!l expenses <br />for on site visits by the Project Tearn Leada.T,, Travel exl..)enses incurred by candidate's for on-site <br />interviews with the Client are not dw responsibility of Baker Tilly and ,we handled directly by the dient <br />organization. If Client elects to utilize the employee/community survey there, will be an additional. fee <br />$1500.M The Client will make payments for the project upon.receipt of an invoice submitted by Baker <br />1 .1, 1 illy. Paynit,,nit to Baker Tilly is due upon receiI.)t. All invoices will be forwirded. to the Chent fot <br />processing unless oth(nvoise directed. For. reporting ptarpos es, Baker Tilly's tax identificafic)n number is <br />47-1064404. <br />ZThe. all inclusive professional fee will be billed in four installinents-, 30% of the fee will be billed at th. e <br />bew.nning of the rc(-.-ruitrnent; 30% at thei.n.ipl(."I.t.n.ent.ati(.)n of phase 1; 30% at tim irripleA: neritation of Phase <br />.11; and the final 10% upon acceptance of off(. -.r by the candidate. <br />I Additional work related to the rem. fitment process and as specifically requested by the Client wh.i(,-Ih is <br />outside the scope of this project (i.e, addition -,.d on. site visits) will include an ad.c.litional fee. "d"ine fixed <br />professi(anal fee for this recruitment anticipates no rnore than d-mee on sit(.0 visits which include foo <br />(.-,onsulhing, day s., However, we would be pleased to Provide additional on site consulting visits for our <br />standard daily rate. of'$1,500 phis expenses. <br />T1UPLE, GUARANMEE <br />L A corninitment to.remain with the recmitinent assign.y.rient untilyou haven.iacle an. appointment for the <br />fee an.d tasks quotedin the proposal.. If you are una'ble to rnake. a selv.:�tlon from the initial group of <br />finalists, Baker'I'My will wo.rk to identify a supplernenttil gn-oup until you. find a candidate to hire. <br />2. Your execative recruitmentis guarwiteed for 24montfi[s agi or resignation. it <br />Whin the <br />,ainst termination <br />first two years following the date of hire, the .repl2.ce:un.erit.recraiittne.tit will be repeated with no additional <br />professional fee, but only fear project -related expenses, Candidates appointed fro.i.n within your <br />(.organization do not quahf,y for this guarantee. 'this guarantee is sulr.)ject to fijither linuita6ons and <br />resttic.,-.tio:ns of your state laws. <br />3.. liaker 'IMy will not. vAic.1t any candidates selected under this contract for any (::other position while tl-.i[c <br />Candidateis einphyed with your organization. <br />DEVOI.I(IN OFTIME <br />Baker Tilly shall devote such firne to the perfortnance ofits duties under dais.A.greetrieurt as is necessary fair <br />the completion of all project phases. <br />RE.] 3..I219 PAG F 12 <br />