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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />September 17, 2019 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Discuss and ossi:bly al!R_rove naming the Southwest Businesses "Gene Stallings Business Park". <br />Mr. Hernandez asked for discussion and approval of naming the SW Business Park, the "Gene Stallings <br />Business Park". Dr. Hashxni made a motion to approve naming the Southwest Business Park. Mr. Pankaj <br />seconded the motion. Vote was 3 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss and possibb, act on amendments to the PEDC B ly aws tore uire city council a ;removal of all <br />pro rams and ex enditures of the cor oration. <br />Dr. Hashmi read the Bylaws Section 10.04, Amendments to Bylaws: "The Bylaws may at any time and from <br />time to time be amended, provided that the Board files with the City a written application approved by the <br />affirmative vote of four (4) or more members of the voting Board requesting that the City approve such <br />amendment". He stated that the PEDC Board does not have four (4) Board Members today for a vote and there <br />will only be a discussion. Mr. Hernandez agreed that the Board would only have a discussion today. Ms. <br />Harris, City Attorney, explained that the Economic Development Act provides that "the Corporation's <br />authorizing unit, the City of Paris, will approve all programs and expenditures of a corporation" under Local <br />Government Code Section 501.073(a). She went on saying that she could not tell the PEDC that the existing <br />PEDC Bylaws are illegal. Ms. Harris stated the PEDC projects need to be approved by: 1) by having them in <br />the budget for the next fiscal year or, 2) on a project by project basis. Ms. Harris told the PEDC Board in a <br />vast number of the cities the EDC takes each project to the city for approval. Mr. Hernandez asked how many <br />cities Ms. Harris talked to. Ms. Harris answered that she talked to eight or nine economic development lawyers <br />who represent various cities. Mr. Hernandez indicated the PEDC had contacted sixteen cities in our area and <br />the results: two cities were not Part A; seven cities reported to their city council; and the last seven cities were <br />very similar to the PEDC structure. Of the seven cities that were similar to us: five had complete control over <br />their expenditures with no reporting to the city council; two had reporting requirements with one reporting <br />over $400,000.00 and the other reporting up to $850,000.00. Ms. Harris said she talked to economic <br />development lawyers and TML (Texas Municipal League) and they agreed on either having approval in <br />advance through the budget or on a project by project basis. Mr. Hernandez asked how those who did not <br />report to their city councils get by with it, if it is in violation of the law. Ms. Harris answered that they have <br />different lawyers. To which Mr. Hernandez replied, so then we are not in violation of the law. Ms. Harris <br />again said that she could not tell us 100% that we are in violation of the law. She continued by saying "that the <br />better practice is to get that approval from the City Council because they have that authority; they have that <br />duty under the Economic Development Law". Dr. Hashmi read a part of Section 4.12 which is the Board's <br />relationship with the City; the first paragraph is concerning the $400,000.00 use of money and the second <br />paragraph is saying the City makes PEDC responsible for its duties. Dr. Hashmi's point was that the bylaws <br />already have this in them; so why are we changing the bylaws when this is already stated. Ms. Harris answered <br />back that this is contradictory when the first paragraph is saying that the PEDC does not need approval for <br />anything under the $400,000.00 ' amount and the second paragraph states that you need to have all your <br />programs approved by the City Council. This makes the bylaws contradictory according to Ms. Harris. Dr. <br />Hashmi questioned why we are trying to fix something that is not broken. He went on to say that if the Council <br />thinks it is broken, they can write up an amendment to correct it. Ms. Harris said that they can agree to <br />disagree on the matter. Since there is interest by the Council to change this, Ms. Harris suggested that they <br />bring it before the PEDC first. Dr. Hashmi went on to say that if the PEDC bylaws are not illegal, then the <br />City Council could just let the PEDC know that they are doing something wrong and to correct it. Ms. Harris <br />stated she does not know what a court or the Attorney General would conclude with the PEDC bylaws, but she <br />does think that it will be brought to the Attorney General for an opinion. Ms. Portugal, City Council Liaison, <br />spoke up saying she talked to the executive director of the Texas Economic Development Corporation and <br />considered him to be a better resource than TML Mr. Carlton Schwab told her that they have over 700 over <br />economic development corporations in the state, and of those about one half can spend some amount up to a <br />cap without going to their councils. His reason that the councils agree to a cap was that they do not want to go <br />