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rtuL b0ara meeting minutes <br />October 15, 2019 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />SprialWeld is there. The agreement should be completed in 30-45 days. We will then be taking <br />public bids on our portion of the rail. <br />Asset Mana gement: <br />• Preparation of Gene Stallings Business Park. Walker Partners is accessing what we can do with <br />the site. They will be coming to the Board with three different scenarios, but the main scenario is to <br />get the infrastructure to the site and leave it wide open. A gravel road will be added to the site for <br />ease of showing the site. EST, Inc. will develop a scope of work for bid process of clearing the land <br />and thinning the cedar trees. We want to have a clean piece of property to show. <br />• Scope of work for land clearing. All the PEDC properties will be cleared. These are heavily treed <br />areas to be cleared. EST will be helping get the City permits needed to get this done. Some <br />rezoning will be done. <br />• Prioritizing land preparation for development. EST will help prioritize what the land sites <br />should be first to be developed. We will be bid out the work that will be done. <br />Discuss Future A enda Items. <br />The future agenda items requested for the next meeting are: 1) the PEDC cash flow in regards to the debt we <br />have and forming a three-year plan; 2) the Sales Tax Receivable item on the Balance Sheet and why the <br />numbers are not changing. <br />Ad ourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 4:29 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Paula Brownfield <br />Administrative Assistant <br />Paris Economic Development Corporation <br />