set fortli in the City offtr-is Carne of'Ordinances ii -i Chapter 21., Arth.:fe- III, a c0PY
<br />of which is attached hereto as E, A and incorporated heire-in by reft,:rence,
<br />shall be exten,ded sich that it shall be unlawfull for any chiki sixteen ('16) years
<br />of age or less (under seventeen (1.17)) to i ntentio n ally, knowin.j.zgly, recIdessly, w
<br />wid'i criminal negligence be in or reniain in or tipon the stireets, a public place,
<br />or an esw1I,,Aishnae rit- within the ciy Iftnits between Lhe limu,'-s of 10,:00 p..m. and
<br />6:00 a..m,. on Morlday tbiro,ugh Sunday, A.11 other I.,wovisfans of Cliapter 2 1,
<br />Article 111, includirig affirmadve defenses to prosecution, shall rennain in full
<br />force and effect, i,,1xc,:epL ttiaL a child. or a parent or, a ardian may be c-barIgrIed w,ith
<br />an. offense lgbirring with the first wolation of th,e curfew, and tio that extent
<br />thie provisjoins of Sec. 21-55 and 21to the contrary are., stispre nded.
<br />Section I Le_fl�Lqr±�Ibg _L--Xl-Q)-.!LesjkrUJjWLg?AkU
<br />Effec-tive as of'1.000 p.rn. on March 31,2020, gatherings oftylore ten (1.0) people
<br />Withill thE' City hITIRS of the City of'Paris are prohibited. A, gathering is any
<br />indoor or outdoor event, that lbrings togefhei, or is likely to twit-together more
<br />than ten (10) people at the same time in a single space where people are
<br />present and within six (6�) feet of one another, without regard to the purpose of
<br />the gatilaering. For the purposes ofthis ser:fton, how,ever, a gatheiring does not
<br />include the following, so long as visitors are gener-al ri,ot within arin"s length of
<br />one ar-tother fbr ex.tended penods�
<br />Si , -Mces vvhere 1. 0 or rn(..)r-e persozis may 11,,)e intransil: or waithig fOr tnansit
<br />Such as airports, bus stations or-, terminals; (H) office space or
<br />residential buildings; (W'
<br />gyoarra y stores, shopping malls, or- other r-etail
<br />establishments Where In ni:=bers of people, are present Ind it is
<br />unusual f'ror them to be it ins marrru.ns lengtrfi, of one another for extended
<br />perfik)ds; and (iv) hospitals and inedical facilities. In all such seWngs,
<br />Mi,Ayor Clifford aind the Office of the Ip.mamar County Judge arIA the P&f.-I&
<br />Lamar (,'0U,TI[tY Flealth I)epartniient, recomrriends following the attached,
<br />13iociall Disbanc-ing Recorn.mei,,idabons, and personal has
<br />ygiiene rwic suire,,;
<br />stnch as hand sanitizer and tissries should be provided when possible.
<br />Section 4.Enforcement. 'The Pam s Police, Department is hereby
<br />_._ . . . . ..........
<br />authorized to eriforci.r this order. A vk-Aation of this order regardIng extended
<br />curfew hours- for children shall be pi.mished. in accordance with Code naf
<br />Ordinances Sectic)ri: 211;S except ttuat child and his or fier parent or guardian
<br />rnaly lie cited for an (.)ffenise upon the first violation of the curfew regulation.s. A
<br />viollation of this orderregarding engaging in gatheirings of more than (1.0)
<br />peop'ie shall be 131.11ft! sh able by a firte not to exceed $500,.00 in accordancewith
<br />the, City of Paris Code of OrJinn a.noes Sec. 1... 6,
<br />Section E11'ectiye DA an.41 Durati on. ri, is Supplemental order shall
<br />go into effect at. lffp.rn,. on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, and shall remain
<br />eff-6,-,tive for thle duration of the Mayorl's Deciarution of Local Disaster for Public
<br />Ifealt1h Einergericy and Or -der, dated Marc:h 19, 2020 and as extengled and
<br />Amended by the Gry ClouncH of the ("Ity of Paris in Resolution No. 2020 -011,
<br />