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Regular Council Meeting <br />April 13, 2020 <br />Page 7 <br />Mayor Clifford inquired if the City was still collecting the fee, and Mr. Anderson said yes <br />and that was because Suddenlink was collecting it. Mayor Clifford asked about using the funds <br />to streamline their meetings through Channel 16. Mr. Anderson said he was not sure but could <br />explore that. Mayor Clifford suggested checking with other cities to learn what they were doing <br />since Suddenlink was going to help the City out. Council Member Portugal suggested that the <br />Public Utilities Commission might be able to help the City out with this issue. Mr. Anderson <br />said he would get in touch with them, and was open to suggestions. Mr. Anderson said he would <br />keep them informed. <br />28. Conduct a public hearing, discuss and act on ORDINANCE NO. 2020-015: AN <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, <br />ABANDONING A 310 FOOT SECTION OF AN UNDEVELOPED STREET CALLED <br />PACIFIC AVENUE LOCATED BETWEEN SOUTH MAIN STREET AND SOUTH <br />CHURCH STREET WITH THE CITY RETAINING A SANITARY SEWER LINE <br />RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT; AND A 20 FOOT ALLEY RUNNING NORTH AND <br />SOUTH BETWEEN BLOCK 5 EAST SIDE LOTS 5 AND 6 AND WEST SIDE LOTS 7 <br />AND 8 AND BLOCK 14WEST SIDE i'LOTS 1 AND 2 AND EAST SIDE LOTS 11 <br />AND 1'2; DECLARING THAT THERE IS NO PUBLICNECESSITY OR NEED FOR <br />SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREET AND ALLEY FOR CITY OR OTHER <br />FRANCHISE UTILITY PROVIDER'$ USE; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND <br />PROVISIONS RELATED OT THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING -A REPEALER "CLAUSE, <br />A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, A ?SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Ms. Easton explained that Clint and; Anna Upchurch owned property on the wrest side of <br />South Church Street, anis had maintained ;the right-of-way and alley for many years, and had <br />submitted a request for the City to formally abandon these',public rights-of-way. Ms. Easton said <br />the City had a sanitary sewer line running east -west along the Pacific Avenue right -OT --way, for <br />which an easement must be retained. She recommended abandoning a 310 -foot section of <br />Pacific Avenue located between South Main Street and South Church Street and the 20 -foot alley <br />running north and south between the lots described above and approve a Resolution retaining the <br />sewer utility easement. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Knox and seconded by <br />Council Member Portugal. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />29. Discuss and act on RESOLUTION NO. NO. 2020-017: A RESOLUTION OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE <br />EXECUTION OF A DEED OF ABANDONMENT TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTY <br />OWNER OF A 310 FOOT PORTION OF AN UNDEVELOPED STREET CALLED <br />PACIFIC AVENUE LOCATED BETWEEN SOUTH MAIN STREET AND SOUTH <br />CHURCH STREET WITH THE CITY RETAINING A SANITARY SEWER LINE <br />RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT; AND A 20 FOOT ALLEY RUNNING NORTH AND <br />SOUTH BETWEEN BLOCK 5, EAST SIDE LOTS 5 AND 6 AND WEST SIDE LOTS <br />7 AND 8 AND BLOCK 14 WEST SIDE LOTS 1 AND 2 AND EAST SIDE LOTS 11 <br />