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05 - City Council Minutes
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04 - APRIL
April 27
05 - City Council Minutes
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Regular Council Meeting <br />April 13, 2020 <br />Page 6 <br />on the playground and they would end up having too many people there. Following additional <br />discussion, it was a consensus of City Council to keep the current recommendations in place, as <br />well as require facemasks for nursing home staff. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Portugal and seconded by <br />Council Member Pilgrim. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />26. Discuss and authorize final payment in the amount of $144,441.97, less $38,500.00 in <br />liquidated damages, for a final net payment of $105,941.97; close out the Church Street <br />Construction Project with Richard Drake Construction, and accept improvements. <br />Ms. Easton said this project was one of the top priorities for 2017 that it was bid in July <br />2018 and work began in October. Ms. Easton said the total time to complete the project was 431 <br />days, which was 77 days over the contract time. Under the contract, she said liquidated damages <br />could be charged at $500.00 per day for each day over the contract, therefore RDC owed the City <br />$38,500 in liquidated damages. Ms. Easton reported that RDC had completed all work under this <br />contract and requested final acceptance and release of retainage upon acceptance by the City <br />Council. <br />Council Member ;Portugal questioned the four or five patches on the street. Ms. Easton <br />said RDC looked at several areas that had failed and they went back in to correct the <br />deficiencies. She said there was no good way to fix asphalt rather than cut in and go back into it. <br />Council Member' Portugal questioned the crown and standing water. Ms. Easton said typically, <br />there was a 2% crown but some areas did not get sun and stayed wet but there were no issues <br />with ponding. Council Member Portugal asked if there were plans of striping, and Ms. Easton <br />said there were no plans to stripe, but no parking signs would be placed on one side of the street. <br />Council Member Plata wanted to know if the contractor would come back if there is !sinking in <br />the street or where the patches were�placed. Ms. Easton 'said the_ warranty project was for one <br />year after acceptance and if that happened within one year, the contractor would be required to <br />fix it. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Knox and seconded by <br />Council Member Plata. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />27. Discuss and act on fees that were collected as part of the I% fee for a public, educational, <br />and government channel. <br />Interim City Manager Gene Anderson said at the last meeting, City Council had directed <br />him to figure out how to stop the fees and return the money. Mr. Anderson said he had sent e- <br />mails to Suddenlink and had placed phone calls but had received no responses. Mr. Anderson <br />reported he went to the Suddenlink office and spoke to the office manager who said she would <br />have legal contact him. Mr. Anderson said after four or five days elapsed and having received <br />no response, he went by Suddenlink again. He said he spoke to the same lady, who would not <br />give him any contact information but said again that she would have legal contact him. <br />
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