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The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by <br />Chad Lindsey, Co -Chairman. <br />Commissioners were present with the exception of Keith Flowers and Rick Hundley. <br />Also present were staff members Carla Easton, Triniti Frazier, Clyde Crews, City Council <br />Liaison Steve Clifford and concerned citizens. <br />2. Citizen's forum <br />(Persons desiring to address the Planning and Zoning Commission must limit their presentation to no more than two <br />minutes. Unless an item is posted on the Agenda, the Texas Open Meetings Act prohibits the Commission from responding <br />to any comments other than to refer the matter to a future agenda, loan existing policy, or to a staff person with specific <br />factual information. Claims against the City, Council Members, or employees, as well as individual personal appeals <br />are not appropriate for citizens' forum.) <br />Citizen forum was declared open. <br />With no one speaking, the citizen's forum was declared closed. <br />3. Approval of minutes from the meeting of February 3,-2020. <br />Motion was made by Clifton Fendley, seconded by Francine Neeley to approve the minutes <br />for the February 3, 2020 meeting. Motion carried 5-0. <br />4. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Casey Gain on behalf <br />of Scott McDowell for a change in zoning from a Single -Family Dwelling District No. 2 <br />(SF2) to a Two -Family Dwelling District (2F), in the Wynnwood Addition, Block A, Lots <br />7, 8, located at 830 S Collegiate. <br />Easton states Scott McDowell is requesting a change in zoning in order build a duplex. <br />The site is approximately 0.67 acres with driveway access available onto S Collegiate. The <br />future land use plan calls for this site to be low-density residential. Existing land uses in <br />the area include single-family residential, multi -family, medical office, dining, mixed retail <br />and office space. There is an existing channel providing a natural divide between the single- <br />family neighborhood to the north and east of the subject property, Easton further states <br />