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10 - Application for extension of an Automobile urglary & Theft Prevention Grant
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06 - JUNE
10 - Application for extension of an Automobile urglary & Theft Prevention Grant
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City of Paris Grant Application for Fiscal Year 2021 https://abtpa.tamu.eda/Application/PrintApplication.asp?AppID=159& <br />The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force has been staffed by the same (2) two Detectives since 2099 and <br />due to this we have established wonting relationships with many of the agencies in our coverage area. LAMAR <br />COUNTY routinely assigns its auto theft crimes to Task Force Detectives. Detectives know the Detectives in the <br />adjacent counties and commonly share information and intelligence. This information is commonly photographs <br />of recently stolen vehicles such as cars, trucks, trailers, and lawn mowers.Detectives commonly share these <br />photographs on their personal social media page and Detectives are friends with the investigators from TITUS <br />COUNTY and HUNT COUNTY pages so we all stay on the same page and know what has been recently <br />stolen. Being a rural area farms are commonly targeted by thieves and tractors, ATV'S and utility vehicles as <br />well as trailers and other implements that are commonly stolen in those thefts. <br />A lot of times the best collaborative efforts are when vehicles are recovered from inside our coverage area that <br />are stolen from the DFW area or Oklahoma and Task Force Detectives assist the investigative agency in any <br />way possible to include processing the stolen vehicle and making sure the investigative reports are forwarded to <br />the investigating Officer/Detective. <br />Task Force Detectives commonly collaborate with tax -assessor collectors in our coverage area and commonly <br />are in contact with the Department of Motor Vehicle Regional Office in Longview regarding titling issues, title <br />fraud or suspected stolen vehicles/trallers that citizens attempt to register from time to time. <br />There are no other task forces in our coverage area and and only possibly (2) two auto theft trained detectives <br />that grantee is aware of in our coverage area. The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force is the has (2) two of <br />the (3) total Detectives/Investigators completing 68A'S in our (9) nine county coverage area. The Task Force <br />does several 68A'S for individuals outside our coverage area. There is also no other auto theft units in our <br />coverage area that is known to the Task Force. <br />3.5 Functions of the proposed program for other motor vehicle crimes investigations related to motor vehicle <br />burglary or theft such as motor vehicle fraud related crime, insurance fraud, preventing stolen vehicles from <br />entering Mexico, bridge/port crime, cartel or organized criminal enterprises etc... <br />The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will take insurance fraud, false report (stolen vehicle), title fraud <br />whenever ever those auto theft case typically investigated by the task force results in those crimes. The Task <br />Force will also investigate any title fraud cases referred to us by County Motor Vehicle Registration offices in our <br />coverage area. This has not been a common problem to date In our direct(primary coverage area. <br />Detectives plan to do community outreach by having booths at Fairs to remind citizens and business leaders the <br />importance of locking your vehicle. Detectives plan to educate Patrol Officers by having a basic auto theft <br />training class. Detectives plan to educate community leaders at attending and speaking at events such as the <br />LIONS CLUB and other civic organizations. <br />Goals, Strategies, and Activities <br />Select Goals, Strategies, and Activity Targets for the proposed program. <br />Click on the link above and select the method by which statutory measures will be collected. Law Enforcement <br />programs must also estimate targets for the MVCPA predetermined activities. The MVCPA board has determined <br />that grants programs must document specific activities that are appropriate under each of the three goals. <br />Applicants are allowed to write a limited number of user defined activities. <br />ID Activity Measure Target <br />Mandatory Motor Vehicle Theft Measures Required for all Grantees. <br />1.1.15 Increase the recovery rate of stolen motor Report the number of vehicles recovered Mandatory. <br />vehicles Reporting for <br />Task Force <br />Only <br />1.1.16 Increase the clearance rate of motor vehicle Report the number of motor vehicle theft cases Mandatory. <br />thefts cleared Reporting for <br />Task Force <br />Only <br />10 of 14 05/21/2020,11:42 AM <br />
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