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10 - Application for extension of an Automobile urglary & Theft Prevention Grant
City Council
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06 - JUNE
10 - Application for extension of an Automobile urglary & Theft Prevention Grant
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City of Paris Grant Application for Fiscal Year 2021 <br />Task Force Detectives plan to send out NATIONAL EQUIPMENT REGISTRY bulletins and CARGO THEFT <br />alerts to agencies in our coverage area so that Patrol Officers can be made aware of thefts to attempt to recover <br />the stolen property. Furthermore, Task Force Detectives plan to identify prolific auto theft offenders and make <br />their cases a priority to arrest the offender as soon as possible to deter further vehicle thefts. <br />Detectives of the Task Force provide VTR -88A inspections in Paris and Bonham and while we donit recover a <br />lot of stolen vehicles it does lead to the recovery of stolen vehicles and trailers. The Task Force are doing more <br />and more of these inspections each year and some of those done are for citizens outside of our coverage area <br />with people routinely coming from COLLIN COUNTY and DENTON COUNTIES. <br />Task Force Detectives will try to keep our community and business partners aware of vehicle crimes in the <br />coverage area that are found to be a pattern by location or time and or any other time it may be necessary to <br />make them aware of criminal activity in relation to vehicle crimes. The Task Force additional plans to use social <br />media such as Facebook to make citizens aware of vehicle crimes. Task Force Detectives will monitor trends in <br />auto theft and disseminate that information to other agencies and when necessary to the community in the 9 <br />county coverage area. <br />The Senior Detective is also a fingerprint examiner and analyzes at most of the recovered prints from stolen <br />vehicles and car burglaries. This includes determining the quality of the print and entering the prints into the <br />AF1X TRACKER system maintained at the City of Paris and it currently has thousands of prints for comparison <br />as all the arrest in the City of Paris and Lamar County are downloaded into on a daily basis. <br />Being a rural area one of the huge issues we have is trailer thefts and this compounded by much of our task <br />force coverage area being on the Oklahoma border. Oklahoma only registers commercial trailers so Texas <br />trailers can be easily stolen in Texas and used in Oklahoma. Detectives have from time to time assisted <br />Oklahoma Detectives with stolen trailers and commonly identify burred vehicles in Oklahoma. Southeast <br />Oklahoma probably have fewer trained auto theft investigators than East Texas does. <br />The Task Force currently has a bait vehicle system and are in the process of trying to obtain a suitable vehicle <br />to install the new system and the we plan to continue to use the system to attempt make auto burglary and auto <br />theft cases. However, in reference to auto burglaries we tend to be more reactive as time does not typically avail <br />itself in these case and we tend to spend more time proactively investigating car thefts. <br />Task Force Detectives will address the vehicle theft problem with public awareness, data analysis, intelligence, <br />use of technology, follow of Crime Stopper leads, surveillance and further training opportunities. <br />Finally, Task Force Detectives have been assigned to the Task Force for several years and during that time <br />have developed contacts from many investigators and Officers from our coverage areas and these contacts <br />have and will continue to be an asset in solving auto then` cases. <br />3.3 Functions of the Proposed Program Related to Motor Vehicle Burglary and Theft Prevention <br />Detectives are assigned a large amount of the City of Paris auto burglary cases and commonly attempt to locate <br />the stolen property taken in these cases. Detectives have access to LEADS ON LINE that collects information <br />from many sources such as pawn shops, OfferUp, E -Bay and other similar sights. These websites/stores are <br />commonly used to sale the items stolen in car burglaries and it is LEADS ON LINE is commonly beneficial in <br />solving these crimes.Detectives have found when burglary vehicles increase in an area that it Is often beneficial <br />to work supplementing Patrol at night to focus on the are where the crimes are being committed. if the <br />burglar(s) can be quickly apprehended this stops many more potential car burglaries and saves work for Patrol <br />Officers on the day shift. <br />Task Force Detectives work with Patrol Officers and provide intelligence to them as to the areas that the thieves <br />tend to be targeting and try to make the community aware of these area to spread the message to lock their <br />cars as a large amount of the car burglaries are from cars that are left unlocked. <br />MVCPA Task Forces are required to collaborate across judicial boundaries and to develop regional strategies to <br />implement funded activities. Describe how the applicant staff and jurisdiction will coordinate with other agencies and <br />jurisdictions in the implementation of this program. <br />3.4 Collaboration Effort <br />9 of 14 05/2112020, 11:42 AM <br />
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