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administrator will assist the City in overseeing the administration of this funding and drawdowns. <br />This individual will work directly with Gene Anderson, Finance Director. It is our understanding <br />that this Administrator's expense will also come from the funding. <br />Please see section 1.5 for the limitations on the funding as well as eligible expenses. In short, it <br />has to be a CoVid-19 expense, have occurred from 3/1 —12/30, and was not planned in our budget. <br />Specifics are medical expenses, public health expenses, and payroll expenses. There are additional <br />eligible expenses, but those are limited to no more than 25% of the allotted amount and further <br />clarification and research needs to occur to properly understand these items. The funding is further <br />conditioned on the expenses must have been substantially different than what our normal <br />operations would have been (ex: We do not believe an EMS call is covered as that is our normal <br />duty, but the time spent cleaning the ambulance due to CoVid-19 after the call would. Another <br />example would be Parks Department cleaning the playground equipment as the manner and degree <br />we are doing this is strictly because of CoVid-19.). We do foresee a sizable amount of eligible <br />expenses such as the Antibody test kits, extra EMS staff due to calls and cleaning requirements, <br />chemicals to clean Fire Station and Playground Equipment, OT covering for employees absent due <br />to Quarantine, reimbursement to City for leave time employees took due to the FFCRA (two weeks <br />of FMLA authorized under the FFCRA), etc. <br />OPTIONS: <br />1. Authorize the attached Resolution which authorizes the signing of the Terms and <br />Conditions, Certificates, and other necessary documents to pursue the CRF Program <br />Funding. <br />2. Request edits to the Resolution, documents, etc. <br />3. Request additional information to be brought back at a future City Council meeting. <br />4. Reject the Resolution. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Authorize the attached Resolution which authorizes the signing of the Terms and Conditions, <br />Certificates, and other necessary documents to pursue the CRF Program Funding. <br />If this is approved, the City Staff will pursue procuring a third -party administrator for <br />administrating the program. The agreement will be brought back to the City Council. <br />