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Regular Council Meeting <br />May 11, 2020 <br />Page 4 <br />CONTAINED IN SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER NO. 1; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS <br />AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />City Attorney Stephanie Harris explained that in order for the City to be eligible for <br />reimbursement for CoVid-19 expenses from the State and Federal Systems that the declaration <br />needed to be extended, because it would expire before their next meeting. She said the current <br />declaration would expire May 26, and this declaration would extend the date to June 25. Ms. <br />Harris said the difference between this document and the previous one was the youth curfew <br />would be less stringent and would go back to what is prior to CoVid. <br />Following additional discussion, a Motion to approve this item was made by Council <br />Member Pilgrim and seconded by Council Member Portugal. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />14. Discuss and act on resuming the CoVid-19 antibody drive-thru testing, including but not <br />limited to procedures and associated costs. <br />Mayor Clifford said he placed this item on the agenda. He also said the City had <br />purchased 1,500 test kits and for several reasons, he was glad they did not purchase more. Mayor <br />Clifford explained the test run recently conducted, including statistical information. He also said <br />due to the nursing home outbreak, the drive-thru testing was placed on hold. Subsequently, he <br />said there had been more community spread, and he felt it was time to move forward with the <br />antibody testing. Mayor Clifford said he thought it was a good idea to charge $25.00 which was <br />about the cost of a test kit, and that most clinics were charging around $170.00. He explained <br />this test would reflect if someone had the virus antibody, which meant they had already had the <br />virus. <br />Council Member Plata asked if the testing would be conducted at the same place, and <br />Mayor Clifford said it would. Mayor Clifford said he did not have a part in the decision as to the <br />location of the testing. He said it was his understanding that the drive-thru testing was being <br />conducted in the evening for two hours, and they were sanitizing everything. Council Member <br />Hughes inquired how the City got the testing that was done over the weekend. Mayor Clifford <br />explained due to the number of cases Paris had, that the State sent a mobile testing unit to Paris. <br />He explained that testing was conducted to determine if a person had an active case of the virus. <br />A Motion to resume testing was made by Mayor Clifford and seconded by Council <br />Member Plata. Council Member Portugal said it was a good idea to charge $25.00 for the test. <br />Mayor Clifford amended his Motion to include the charge $25.00 and Council Member Plata <br />seconded it. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />15. Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004-081. <br />Mr. Path reminded everyone that next week was National EMS week but they would be <br />unable to have events due to CoVid. He recognized EMS and first responders, and encouraged <br />everyone to do the same. Council Member Hughes said he wanted an update on the street <br />