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SPECIAL MEETING <br />MTNIJTES <br />CITY OF PARIS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT <br />CITY OF PARIS - CITY HALL <br />COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />TUESDAY MA(_5,2020 <br />12:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />1. The Board of Adjustment meeting was called to order by David Hamilton, <br />Chairman at 12:14 p.m. <br />The following members were present online via David <br />Hamilton, Brady Fisher, Ruth Ann Alsobrook and Jerry Haning. <br />Also present was John Ankrum and Carla Easton. <br />2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting. (February 4, 2020) <br />Motion was made by Ruth Ann Alsobrook, seconded by David Hamilton to approve <br />minutes for the February 41, 2020 meeting. Motion carried 4:0. <br />3. Public hearing to consider and take action on the petition of Amira Sadik <br />Vartanian on Lot 11, City Block 70-C, being located at 1323 Pine Bluff. <br />The petition requested a variance of Section 11.5-3 (b)(1)(a) of the Fence <br />Ordinance which is as follows: <br />(1) Front yard fence requirements. <br />a. No fence shall be permitted in the front yard with the following exceptions: <br />i. On lots zoned historic overlay district (HD) and in accordance with the <br />design standards adopted by the historic preservation commission. <br />ii. On lots in excess of two (2) acres in size which are used for single-family <br />residential purposes. <br />iii. On lots which are zoned and used for LI or HI purposes. <br />The applicant is requesting a variance to have a front yard fence for a lot that is not <br />in the historical district nor does it exceed 2 acres. <br />