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Phase 1: <br />Goal 1: Compile survey data into one platform where it is organized and easily <br />accessible. This includes all past (legacy) survey data into GIS. <br />The GIS survey platform will be used going forward to collect all future survey data. <br />Goal 2: Review all properties in the National Register and local districts and make an <br />assessment of contributing/non-contributing. <br />In Phase II, <br />Goal 3: McDoux will update the survey for the downtown historic district, adding an <br />additional layer to the GIS data and updating contributing/noncontributing <br />classifications for each property within the downtown commercial district. They will <br />review contributing/noncontributing classifications for each property within the other <br />existing historic districts and recommend next steps to amend the National Register <br />nomination or local district nomination, if indicated. <br />Goal 4: Comply with CLG requirements. McDoux has confirmed with THE that after <br />the completion of Phase II, Paris will meet CLG requirements for maintaining an <br />updated survey. <br />Goal 5. Phase II of this project includes using volunteer support to take updated <br />photographs of downtown properties. Volunteers will be trained by McDoux staff. <br />In Phase III, <br />McDoux will conduct a windshield survey of the rest of the City of Paris and <br />identify/prioritize potential survey areas to target for additional reconnaissance -Level <br />surveys and potential National Register or local historic district designations. <br />The data collected and organized in GIS during Phase I and H of this project will be available to <br />the public and can be included in the map currently posted on the City's Historic Preservation <br />webpage. A property owner or investor will have clear information about the property's historic <br />designations which is the first step in determining tax credit eligibility. <br />Cheri Bedford discussed with the commission using the budgeted funds to start and <br />finish Phase 1. When Phase 1 is complete, City of Paris may apply for a CLG grant in <br />the fall to complete Phase 11 should there not be any funds in the budget. Phase III was <br />not included in the initial proposal of $27,000. The commission discuss and possibly <br />take action using budgeted funds to complete phase 1 in their July 8 meeting. <br />Hearing no other business, the commission adjourned at 4:50 p.m. <br />submitted by Cheri Bedford <br />day o) 2020 <br />Chair <br />