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TWDB, like many other State entities, has been delayed in releasing information, therefore we are <br />not expecting to hear back from the TWDB until August 2020 as to whether we are qualified for <br />funding. Garver USA will be prepared to discuss specifics with the Council on how the TWDB <br />process works as they are very familiar with it. <br />The primary concern for City Staff is not whether the fee itself is appropriate, but how to cash flow <br />paying this fee over the next 12-18 months. Once financing is obtained, it becomes a non -factor <br />as the City will simply begin to budget for annual principal/interest payments as negotiated with <br />the TWDB (once again, we plan to step in to the increases in rates over the next couple of years to <br />help rate payers to acclimate). Until the loan is locked -in though, or if the loan does not work out <br />and the City must seek out Certificates of Obligation, the City will need to carefully monitor how <br />to cash flow covering the expense of this Amendment until financing is available. <br />City Staff have already discussed this with Garver USA; through a combination of holding on to <br />issuing the Notice to Proceed (NTP), extending the original timeline of Phase 2 from 12 months <br />to more like 18 months, setting aside a portion of funding in FY20/21 if necessary, and working <br />with Garver USA to float a pay application if necessary, we are confident we can bridge any gap <br />so that we can keep this project moving forward while getting the financing needed to fund it. Our <br />other option is to delay this a few more months until financing is in hand. <br />City Staff have two routes for long term financing. The preferred route is the TWDB low-interest <br />loan which we will know more about in August. The second route is Certificates of Obligation <br />(Bond). The COs is a fall back to the TWDB loan if necessary. So if in August the TWDB does <br />not give the City of Paris an affirmative notice, then City Staff would pursue the CO. <br />OPTIONS: <br />1. Tentatively approve Amendment 1 to the agreement for professional engineering services <br />with Garver USA for Phase 2 of the comprehensive rehabilitation of the City of Paris <br />Wastewater Treatment Facility, authorizing the City Manager to sign once a plan of action <br />for long term financing is established. <br />2. Request that the amendment to the agreement for professional engineering services be <br />brought back to the City Council once a plan of action for long term financing (either the <br />TWDB or Certificates of Obligation) is established. <br />3. Request additional information on the amendment to the agreement for professional <br />engineering services to be brought forward at a future meeting. <br />4. Request edits of the amendment to the agreement for professional engineering services. <br />5. Deny the amendment to the agreement for professional engineering services with Garver <br />USA for Phase 2 of the comprehensive rehabilitation of the City of Paris Wastewater <br />Treatment Facility. <br />