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Regular Council Meeting <br />July 27, 2020 <br />Page 5 <br />Mayor Clifford reconvened City Council into open session at 6:44 p.m. A Motion to <br />authorize a lawsuit against Essent PRMC with regard to the tax abatement agreement was made <br />by Mayor Clifford and seconded by Council Member Pilgrim. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />20. Discuss and possibly approve a Resolution amending the Bylaws of the Paris Economic <br />Development Corporation increasing the Board of Directors from five to seven members <br />with one seat to be filled by a sitting Council Member nominated by the Paris Economic <br />Development Corporation Board of Directors and approved by the City Council. <br />(Pursuant to PEDC Bylaws Sec. 10.4, five votes will be required to pass this item) <br />Mayor Clifford said when they took a vote they were unaware that State Law prohibited <br />PEDC from appointing members to the board. He said the motion to increase the number to <br />seven was not valid therefore they were bringing it back in order to make sure they were legal. <br />Mayor Clifford said it would take five votes to pass this item. <br />Council Member Pilgrim inquired if they could discuss item 21 first and City Attorney <br />Stephanie Harris answered in the affirmative. A Motion to move item 21 up on the agenda for <br />discussion purposes was made by Mayor Clifford and seconded by Council Member Portugal. <br />Motion carried, 4 ayes — 2 nays, with Council Member Hughes and Stone casting the dissenting <br />votes. <br />Council Member Hughes said if item 20 did not pass that item 21 would be moot. <br />Council Member Pilgrim inquired if they could combine the two items, and Ms. Harris answered <br />in the affirmative but said the items would have to vote separately on the items. A Motion to <br />combine items 20 and 21 was made by Mayor Clifford and seconded by Council Member Knox. <br />Motion carried, 5 ayes — 1 nay, with Council Member Hughes casting the dissenting vote. <br />Council Member Stone stated that she had always been opposed to having a Council <br />Member on PEDC, because she saw a potential for conflicts of interest. She said she was against <br />increasing the board from five to seven. Council Member Portugal said she believed increasing <br />the number to seven was the right thing to do, because financial decisions pertaining to <br />potentially millions of dollars should be made by more than three people, which was a quorum of <br />the board. Council Member Knox spoke in support of increasing the number of board members <br />from five to seven, and it was her idea to allow PEDC to select the Council Member they wanted <br />to serve, as a compromise of PEDC not wanting a Council Member to serve at all. Council <br />Member Pilgrim said he thought it was crazy to have to re -vote on something they had already <br />determined at a previous meeting. He also said he did not believe there was a conflict of interest <br />because the Council oversees PEDC. Mayor Clifford said he thought it was the right thing to do <br />and pointed out that the City Council had no intention of appointing anyone other than who <br />PEDC nominated, unless there were extraordinary circumstances. <br />Following additional discussion, Mayor Clifford made a Motion to amend the Bylaws of <br />the PEDC increasing the Board of Directors from five to seven members with one seat to be <br />filled by a sitting Council Member nominated by the PEDC Board of Directors and approved by <br />the City Council, and was seconded by Council Member Pilgrim. Motion failed, 4 ayes — 2 nays, <br />