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RRM SAVINGS OVER GRIP <br />While residents outside municipal limits must pay rates governed by GRIP, there are some <br />cities served by Atmos Mid -Tex that chose to remain under GRIP rather than adopt RRM. <br />Additionally, the City of Dallas adopted a variation of RRM which is referred to as DARR. When <br />new rates become effective on December 1, 2020, ACSC residents will maintain a slight economic <br />monthly advantage over GRIP and DARR rates. See Attachment 3. <br />EXPLANATION OF "BE IT RESOLVED" PARAGRAPHS: <br />1. This section approves all findings in the Resolution. <br />2. This section adopts the RRM rate tariffs and finds the adoption of the new rates to be just, <br />reasonable, and in the public interest. <br />3. This section makes it clear that Cities may challenge future costs associated with gas leaks <br />like the explosion in North Dallas or the evacuation in Georgetown. <br />4. This section finds that existing rates are unreasonable. Such finding is a necessary predicate <br />to establishment of new rates. The new tariffs will permit Atmos Mid -Tex to recover an <br />additional $90 million from ACSC Cities. <br />5. This section approves an exhibit that establishes a benchmark for pensions and retiree <br />medical benefits to be used in future rate cases or RRM filings. <br />6. This section approves an exhibit to be used in future rate cases or RRM filings regarding <br />recovery of regulatory liabilities, such as excess deferred income taxes. <br />7. This section requires the Company to reimburse the City for expenses associated with <br />review of the RRM filing, settlement discussions, and adoption of the Resolution approving <br />new rate tariffs. <br />8. This section repeals any resolution or ordinance that is inconsistent with the Resolution. <br />3 <br />