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<br />~ ~lS7.6t. <br /> <br />TEX.-\S DEPARTME:'lT OF HEALTH <br /> <br />Pl.! <br /> <br />(I) <br />(g) <br /> <br />(4) sp.:clahzed emerscnq mcdh:al SCrvICl:'J ...chld':1. <br />A permit is not from one vehicle to ;:another. <br />A reserve vehicle which is nOI routinely used as an E~IS vehicle shall apply for a permit undor lIIis ~ion. The <br />application shall include a request for a 'anance in ~157.7! of this tille (relating to RequO$! for. v.a.{ianQ:S r...m <br />Minimum Standards), <br /> <br />Sowrtr. The proviSIOns ormis 1151.66 adopted ~o be effective June S. 191-&.9 Tes.Rq 112). <br /> <br />Cross References;. This scction cited. in 25 TAC JIS7.7S (malin, to Spetia.liud Vcbic:Ic-RcqwRmeftts (ora Pamit). <br /> <br />~lS7.67. Basic Life Support Vehicle Requirements Cor a Permit. <br /> <br />(a) Staffing requirements. The requirements for staffing a BLS vehicle, when in service. shall be: <br />(I) from JanlW)' 1. 1984.lhrough December 31.1984. with at least two individuals. one ofwbom sbaII be IniDed <br />to tbe emergency care attendant level and the other sbaJ be the vebicle driver; and <br />(2) on and after Januar)' I, 1985, with at least two emergency care attendants. <br />(b) Provision of advanced care. Advance life support level of care may be provided on a BLS vehicle wben tbe vebicle: <br />(\) is staffed by an SS-EMT or P.EMT acting under medical supervision; and <br />(2) bas proP<'r advanced life support equipmenL <br />(c) Vehicle type specifiea/ions. <br />(I) Vehicles shall bave: <br />(A) 40 inches of head room in the patient compartment; <br />(B) air conditioning and heating in proP<'r working order in the patient companment; and <br />(q a multilevel stretcher capable of being secured to the vehicle. <br />(2) The patient compartment size should be 100 inches long by 62 inches wide without cabinets or 100 inches long <br />by 48 inches wide with cabinets, <br />(3) A vehicle holding P<'nnit prior to January I, 1984. issued under the authority of Texas Civil Statutes article <br />4S90b, sball not be required to meet the vebicle t)'pC specifications of this subsection. Any vehicle applying for <br />an initiaol P<'nnit sball meet the vehicle t)'pC specifications of this subsc<:tion. <br />(d) Required equipment. The foUowing BLS required equipment must be clean, in working order, and in sufficient <br />quantity to provide safe transport for patients in the individual service areas: <br />(I) one small. one medium, and one latie size extrication cervical collar (soft foam rubber cervical eolian are not <br />acceptable); <br />(2) one ponable suction apparatus witb wide tubing and suction tip (bulb syringe not acceptable); <br />(3) one bag mask unit with,adult and child sized masks which can be used with an extema! oxygen supply; <br />(4) one infant bag mask unit which can be used with an external oxygen supply; <br />(5) orophartngeal airways (nonmetallic) in adult, child, and infant sizes; <br />(6) one ponable oxygen unit with adequate tubing and semi-oP<'n valveless. transparent masks in adult and child <br />sizes; <br />(7) two clean, padded bite sticks; <br />(8) two multi-trauma dressings approximately 100inch by; 30-inch in size; <br />(9) a minimum or S dozen sterile gauzc pads; <br />(\0) one dozen sofl roller, adhering bandages; <br />(II) one.half dozen sterile P<'troleum jelly impregnated gauze or suitable occlusive dressing; <br />(12) foutrolls of adhesive taP<'; <br />(13) four sterile burn sbeets; <br />(14) one traction splint with all attachments suitable for an adult and child; or one adult and one child traction splint; <br />(I S) padded board, cardboard, or aluminum splints as follows: <br />(A) two at least 1 S inches long by at least three inches wide; <br />(B) one alleast 48 inches long by at least three incbes wide; or <br />(C) may be, but not limited to, any of tbe following tyP<'s of splints: <br />(i) innatable splints; <br />(ii) foam.tyP<' rapid splints; <br />(iii) wire ladder splints; <br />(iv) commercial fracture pack; <br />(\6) long and short spine board to include: <br />(A) one long sis.root board or commereial device; and <br />(B) one short spine board or commerical device; or <br />(C) commeneat device which serves the purpose or both as provided in subsection d(t6XA) and (B); <br /> <br />Revision Nos. 2. 3 &. 4 <br /> <br />350 <br /> <br />c."..,.., C J'"St.uo(Tr.~ .,.JH"'/~...f,.""",_. <br /> <br />C:XHI!3IT A <br />