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21 - Agreement for Third Party Engineering Audit Services of the 2013 Utility Bond Package #4 with Alfred Benesch & Company
City Council
Agenda Packets
December 14
21 - Agreement for Third Party Engineering Audit Services of the 2013 Utility Bond Package #4 with Alfred Benesch & Company
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but it is our current understanding that the net difference will not exceed the contract amount, <br />therefore the maximum remaining potential expense is $2,332,794.00. <br />** Braun has provided material testing. The contract amount was for $218,502.50 and we have <br />expended $113,402.40 to -date. Same reasoning as with ORC, the maximum potential remaining <br />is $105,100.10. <br />*** EST has provided third party inspection and construction oversight. The City has spent <br />$862,800.68 to -date. The project is not complete, therefore an estimate figure of $200,000.00 has <br />been added for now. Without any remaining institutional knowledge on staff by way of City <br />Manager, City Engineer, and/or Public Works Director prior to the existing City Manager and <br />PWD (City Engineer position is vacant), this is strictly a best guess for a placeholder. <br />* * * * AECOM has provided design services for most all of the City's package projects, not just <br />Package #4. The City has spent $4,416,176.05 to -date which has exceeded the contract of <br />$4,360,000.00. Again, a placeholder of $100,000.00 has been used for lack of institutional <br />knowledge to work with. The City Manager will need more time to examine why this contract has <br />been exceeded, but it may be due to Package #4 exceeding its due date. <br />Difference <br />1. Available Funding $4,030,920.59 <br />2. Estimated Expense $2,737.894.10 <br />3. Total Available $1,293,026.49 <br />Even with some of the guesses that have been made to develop these estimates, it does appear quite <br />likely that the City will have the necessary funds needed to fund the Benesch Audit. Given the <br />complexity of this project and the current staffing situation, the City Manager cannot guarantee <br />the accuracy of the above estimates, but reasoning suggests that there will in fact be more than <br />enough funding available to cover the audit. <br />OPTIONS: <br />Item #1 — Agreement and Scope of Service <br />1. Approve the Agreement and Scope of Service as drafted with Alfred Benesch & Company <br />for Third Party Engineering Audit Services of the Package #4 Project and authorize the <br />City Manager to sign. <br />2. Request edits and/or more information to be brought back at a future council meeting. <br />3. Reject the Agreement and/or Scope of Service and advise the City Manager as to next <br />steps. <br />
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