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22 - Safety Grant Project TxDOT Proposal for Lamar Avenue Crossovers
City Council
Agenda Packets
December 14
22 - Safety Grant Project TxDOT Proposal for Lamar Avenue Crossovers
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Loop 286 at Home Depot Crossover Removal Narrative <br />The proposed safety enhancement at this location consists of removing the existing crossover <br />and extending the left turn lane for westbound traffic at Collegiate. This corridor has an ADT of <br />27,202 vehicles per day. The estimated cost for this work is $502,500.90. The Safety <br />Improvement Index (cost benefit ratio) of this project is 23.92. <br />Some potential benefits of this enhancement include: improving traffic safety, increasing through <br />capacity and reducing delays. From 2017 through 2019, 32 accidents have occurred resulting in <br />1 serious injury and 3 non -incapacitating injuries due to utilization of this crossover. The <br />previously noted accidents are directly related to vehicles utilizing the crossover. Other <br />accidents such rear end collisions caused by vehicles slowing down to utilize the crossover and <br />other related accidents are not included in the previously noted data. Because of this, it is <br />reasonable to assume that many additional accidents could have likely been prevented had the <br />crossover been removed. <br />Removal of the crossover would require vehicles to utilize the following crossovers to cross <br />Loop 286. Northeast bound traffic would utilize the Collegiate intersection as a crossover, which <br />would result in an increased round trip travel distance of 0.72 miles. The left turn lane at the <br />Collegiate intersection would be extended to better accommodate the additional left turn <br />maneuvers. Southwest bound traffic would utilize the Pine Mill Road underpass as a crossover, <br />which would result in an increased round trip travel distance of 2.66 miles. <br />Loop 286 at 29t' Street Crossover Removal Narrative <br />The proposed safety enhancement at this location consists of removing the existing crossover <br />and extending the left turn lane for eastbound traffic at Collegiate. This corridor has an ADT of <br />27,202 vehicles per day. The estimated cost for this work is $464,095.50. The Safety <br />Improvement Index (cost benefit ratio) of this project is 118.15. <br />Some potential benefits of this enhancement include: improving traffic safety, increasing through <br />capacity and reducing delays. From 2017 through 2019, 35 accidents have occurred resulting in <br />1 fatality, 4 serious injuries, and 6 non -incapacitating injuries due to utilization of this crossover. <br />Other accidents such rear end collisions caused by vehicles slowing down to utilize the <br />crossover and other related accidents are not included in the previously noted data. Because of <br />this, it is reasonable to assume that many additional accidents could have likely been prevented <br />had the crossover been removed. <br />Removal of the crossover would require vehicles to utilize the following crossovers to cross <br />Loop 286. Northeast bound traffic would utilize the FM 195 underpass as a crossover, which <br />would result in an increased round trip travel distance of 1.44 miles. Southwest bound traffic <br />would utilize the Collegiate intersection as a crossover, which would result in an increased <br />round trip travel distance of 0.26 miles. The left turn lane at the Collegiate intersection would be <br />extended to better accommodate the additional left turn maneuvers. <br />
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