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perishable) that would be used to respond to an emergency such as another virus, a tornado, <br />hailstorm, etc. <br />After some discussion, the City Council directed that some of the incoming funding be used to <br />reimburse the City for CoVid-19 expenses made. It was then asked that a total amount spent to - <br />date be identified and brought back for further discussion. <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: <br />The City Manager, working with the Finance Director, has identified — to the best of our ability — <br />those expenses that are directly tied to CoVid-19. This is not absolute because it is very likely that <br />some minor CoVid-19 related expenses were run through normal operating accounts instead of the <br />set-aside accounts for this purpose. We believe though that whatever amount that might have been <br />would be de minimis. <br />Since the December 14, 2020 City Council Meeting, the Paris -Lamar County Health Department <br />has come back and requested the full amount that was approved by the City Council in 2020, that <br />being $100,000.00. They are needing additional staffing to address the overwhelming number of <br />calls they are receiving asking about the vaccinations. The City Manager has informed the Director <br />that this funding is indeed available for their use as was approved by the City Council. <br />At the January 11, 2021 City Council Meeting, the City Council approved extending the FFCRA <br />Program Provisions providing up to 80 hours of CoVid-19 leave. This will be extended to at least <br />March 31, 2021, to be re-evaluated at that time. <br />Most recently, the City is working with the Paris -Lamar County Health District and the Lamar <br />County to facilitate the distribution of vaccines for the CoVid-19 pandemic. In a recent Zoom call <br />between the Health District, County, Mayor, Mayor Pro -Tem, and Emergency Management <br />Personnel, it was discussed of a possible need to utilize CRF Program Funding to assist in these <br />efforts at some future point — the exact expense and purpose not yet known. <br />All in all, it is clear that CoVid-19 is continuing to be an expense to the City. <br />BUDGET: <br />The City was allocated $1,393,150.00 in CRF Program Funding. <br />The City has the following external commitments: <br />1. Resource Management & Consulting Co. Third Party Administrator $22,500.00 <br />