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6. Discuss delinquent hangar rentals. <br />Ms. Ellis stated that Ms. Harris sent collection letters to Eric Clifford in Hangar C-1, Jimmy <br />Smyers in Hangar C-5, and Jay Crowell in Hangar B-3. She said the letters were sent on <br />January 6 and the deadline for the tenants to become current was February 5. Ms. Ellis <br />stated that Mr. Smyers' letter reflected it was a final notice due to the amount owed. <br />7. Receive FBO report. <br />Airport Manager Jerry Richey stated David Ervin had started on his new hangar; that <br />Skyler Burchinal was interested in building a hangar; and once Skyler built a hangar, they <br />would be out of space without extension of the runway. <br />8. Discuss waiting list for city owned hangars, creation of a hangar wait list application, <br />creation of a hangar waiting list policy, and make recommendations. <br />Ms. Ellis stated that there was a need for a hangar wait list application and policy, and the <br />City was planning to initiate one and would like recommendations from the Board. Mr. <br />Avery stated that it sounded like you are going to do it and asked about the <br />recommendations. Ms. Ellis began to explain items such as whether to charge a deposit <br />and Mr. Avery said it was hard to make a decision without having something to look at. <br />Council Member Bell said they might need two lists, because some planes were too large <br />to fit into a small hangar. Mayor Pro -Tem Portugal said if there was a hanger list policy <br />you would not have instances where #15 on the list was called ahead of numbers 1-14. <br />She said it was too complicated to make two lists. Mr. Avery asked if Ms. Ellis could <br />provide a draft for the board to make recommendations on. Ms. Ellis replied that she had <br />planned to do so prior to the meeting but had not had a chance. Ms. Ellis said she would e- <br />mail copies she was obtaining from other cities and put together a draft prior to their next <br />meeting. <br />