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- Section 4.10.009(b) — "Signs and sign structures shall be designed and constructed to <br />comply with the provisions of the building code for use of materials, loads and stresses to <br />withstand a wind pressure of thirty (30) pounds per square ffoot]. " <br />- Section 4.10.081— "No temporary orpermanentsign or billboard to be installed or located <br />within the corporate city limits shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed, relocated or <br />placed within the city unless a permit shall have been first secured from the building <br />official. " <br />The applicant is proposing a "sky sign" at 2315 NE Loop 286. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />Grayson Path, City Manager, presented the variance request to the board. Mr. Path explained that <br />the permit for the sign was requested after the sign had already been constructed; therefore, the <br />City was unable to notify the applicant up front that the sign was prohibited. He also mentions that <br />the applicant had previously acquired two permits with a licensed contractor so he was aware of <br />the permitting requirements. Lastly, the City recommends denial. <br />Ruth Ann Alsobrook, board member, clarifies that a sky sign is something that extends above the <br />roofline and that the concern is that it could blow away and potentially cause damage. Mr. Path <br />confirms that is a concern however the sign itself is prohibited by code and if it were to be allowed <br />it would have to be designed by an engineer to ensure it would be structurally sound. <br />Larry Walker, board member, inquires if the applicant would be able to put a sign on the front of <br />the awning similar to the sign on the front of the building to which Grayson clarifies that any <br />additional signage would have to either go on the side of the building or be a detached sign. Mr. <br />Path also states that any sky signs allowed in the past are considered legal -nonconforming and <br />would have to come into compliance if ever altered or removed. <br />William Sanders, board member, inquires if the awning that the sign is on was existing or if a <br />permit was pulled to construct it. Paige Unger, city staff, stated that the awning and other <br />remodeling was done after the applicant had moved into the retail space and a permit was not <br />pulled until after it was already done. <br />No one else spoke in favor or opposition. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />William Sanders, board member, comments that the City currently has a lot of code violations and <br />if the variance was granted the violations would continue and it would be perceived that the City <br />condones the violations. <br />Motion was made by Larry Walker, seconded by Jerry Haning to deny the variance of Article 4. 10, <br />