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22 - Disannextion Request - 660 adn 680 CR 32900 LCAD Parcels 50055 and 50056
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05 - MAY
May 24
22 - Disannextion Request - 660 adn 680 CR 32900 LCAD Parcels 50055 and 50056
Entry Properties
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I <br />Survey 0016-136 <br />Behq: 31-774 acres of land more or less, apart of the Thomas Aslem Survey Abstract Number <br />6, Ift and being situated On &e South side of County Road 32900 in Lamar County, Texas. <br />The said 31.774 am tract being the remainder of a called 29-99 am tract conveyed in a Deed <br />from the Veterans Land Board ofthe State of Texas to David Walter Daniel, dated July 11, 2003 <br />of nowd in Volume .1361, Page 36 in the Official public Records OfLamag, County, Texas. The <br />said 31.774 me tract also beinigthe remainder of a called 26.6765 am tract conveyed in a <br />Warranty Deed firm Vemon W Daniel, and wife L= G. Daniel to David Walter Daniel, dated <br />August 29, 1989 Of record in Volume 107, Pap 200 in the Real property records of Lamar <br />County, Tem. The said 31.774 awe ftd being described more particularly by metes and <br />boumds as fifficiva: <br />Cats MOwing at a 3/8" found iron rod at the Northwest comer of a tract conveyed to ROYCO IAM <br />CRIM011 and VO4, Linda Ruth Ballard Carman in Volume 682, Pap 334 in the Red Property <br />Records of Lamar County, Texas, the Northeast comer of a called 54.108 acne tact conveyed to <br />Charles D. Bad= and wife, Kathy Bwaff in Volume 627, page 241 in the RM, property <br />Records ofL--,- County, Texas Bud being in the South line of Cquqgl�,oad 32900, Go N <br />89051'20" E'a'A&tBnm of 198-10 fact to a 3/8"-f6und iron and in the South line of Cmmly Road <br />32900 at the Nm*ezd comer Of the refirenced C8MXm tract and at the Nor&==stNm*Wcst <br />corner of the referenced 29-99 son parent tract remainder, for the Point of Beginning and the <br />Mmthermaost Nordmea comer oftWs tracL <br />nowe. N 89'21t04' B with the South line of County Road 32900 a distance 351.75 fed to a <br />found Chain link fence comer P06% for the Northeast comer ofthis tact at the Igardwist comer <br />ofthe referenced26.6765 am MCA tract remainder and theNorthwast om= of a called 1.012 <br />acre ftd Conveyed to E112WOM Aliens WYZiCk in. Document # 121895-2015. <br />Thence: S 01*11!24" E P89409 a',4" found iron rod at the Southwest comer ofthe refaremced <br />Wyxick tact at Et distance of 386.32 feet and continuing a tow distance of 2549.29 feet to a W, <br />found iron rod, for the Southeast c Omer of this Izzat at the Southeast oon = of the referenced <br />26-6765 acre, parent fta remainder, st the Southwest comer of coned 22.896 am ftw <br />conveyed to Gary Lynn Goss and wife Deborah Ann Goss in Document # 062803-2008 and <br />being in dw North line of a called 546.9 acre First tact conveyed to Luther C. Parr in Volme, <br />361, Pap 557 in the Deed Records of Lamar County, Tem. <br />Thence: N89Q3(Yl3nW&distance of 607..98 feet to a 3/3" found iron rod, for the Southwest <br />comer of this tact, at the Southwest comer of the referenced 29.99 am parent tract remainder, <br />in the North lime of the refamee d Pour t=act and the Southeast comer ofthe re fmc md Baxter <br />ftr <br />tract. <br />Thence: WORTH (Refizence Bearing) a distance of2103.82 feat to a W set iron rod, for the <br />Westernmost Northwest comer of this tract: at the Northernmost Northwest comer ofthe <br />referenced 2999 am parent tract remainder, in the BOA fin of the referenced Baxter um and <br />the Southwest comer of the refemced Carman tract. <br />Wien] <br />
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