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Survey #2016-136 <br />Thence. N 88°3716" E a distance of 193.59 feet to a 3/8" found iron rod, for the inside ti® <br />Nm*west corner offts tract, the inside Northwest corner of the referenced 29.99 acre parent <br />tract remainder and the Soutbeast comer of the refs r wed Carrion tract <br />Thence: N 00°3716" B with ft Nordlemmost West line Of the referenced 29.99 acrep&mnt <br />tract remainder a distance of 439.05 feat to the Point of BaOming containing 31.774 acres. <br />L Mark L. Swdemoa Registered Professional Land Surveyor #4911, Stats of Texas, do <br />hcreby m f certify the above was tal rOM mmmurentents made upon the ground ou <br />5/18/2016 and are true and coaect and there are no visible eascmenfis_-aaht rrF_o�Q <br />encroachments <br />INUTI-TI-Wi, <br />