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Its F.T.i, the numicipal ordinance supersedes the. regulatioTis Imposed by or adoptfad by, the, <br />CDmmLsoon., (Sec. 216.902.) <br />6. t.13SLU.IEL41_DLst-ric-ts&ld-.fop' -CA.. nft EX <br />SwAlon 42,044 of theTLGC sperm us a murdidpality to designate a part of ft ETJ as an Industrial <br />district and treat 'that area in the rnannermiml&.sed tu be in, the best, interest of the city, <br />includirig mi-alking written contracts with Ow omi of the land repirding ancon ewAlon arld <br />regulations. Chapter 42 of the 'n.i also dWrvesses planned unit development districts in the, <br />ED. The governing bod'y of a rniivrsicillpmlfty that has difisannexed territory preVioutly ari for <br />Wilted purposes may designate ars amewithin its ETJ as a plainined unit developirine,,rift district by <br />written agri with the mmmer of the... land. The planned unit development idistrict stsell <br />conuin no. felwarthan 250 avvs. (Spe TLGC Sec. 42.046.) <br />7. I 0. .C.n Fees <br />.. gg_ <br />Impact fees, under Ch. 39S of 111 -ie TLGC,ray Ibe applied in the ET); however, Impact: fees for <br />roadway eli cannot hie lrn;msed in the ET.J, Paris does not collect., sudi fees at this rame. <br />Mimi rmWm <br />Under Sec. 402-044 (8) of the 1"t...GC, the boundarties of a citi(s drainage system service area may <br />be extended within the ETI that rontrilme overtand flow into the watersfwC4 of the city. Paris <br />has no such systern at this One. <br />9. The 5 000, Rmt"NulLalIgg Zang!' <br />Section 2171)42. of the TLG2C states as folk.)ws: <br />(A) The murdripality may define and prici any nuisance within the 11mits of the rwiunicipality <br />gn <br />wailn 5,OW feet outside the 11mits, without regard to its ET1 <br />(8) The municipstat y. may enferc4 all ordinainces irveressary to prevent and siummadly abate anid <br />remove a wivisance. <br />if a hvirn& rule city wishes to enforce these activifles extraterritorially, c!W ordfix-iiiances must be <br />amended to refliect the extnv terditorla I application of Oe ordinan m.s. Also, a hiorne-rule c1ty <br />cainn ot just state that 0 conduct is a nuisance and extend such nuisence regulations s,,(:K)D, feet <br />from the ft "'s boundaries. A 'nulsance" is anythirw that worker injury, Iherm or pm. JudIce to an <br />lindividual cir the public, or mftflch causes a well-founded apprehension of dange.r. A nuisance <br />obstiruc,ts, impairs or deviroys the reasionabl4i, peaceful and wonfir table Use of p roperly- <br />10, Ec ml; P gngit <br />Anp . . ..... 9 nk_ <br />HB 93.8,, effective May 1.7, 2,005, =ended SO.ctlon 380.001(a) of, the 116c: to include. e <br />munfiripall W,,q ET) and areas annexed fox, Rinited imix-pases as Ipmu rt of the rinurdicipallity for <br />purposes ofesti" blIshing economfc development programs. S8 466", effecthim, September 1,, <br />200,5,, amended a ini.unber of SKflons of rimpter 377 of the '11 C' relating to munkipal <br />R <br />