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development distrins., The arnendments allow any munkipality to create a n1unidpal dewdop- <br />ment district' and allow that a municipal development district may hiLtude, in w4jole or In part, a <br />munlrVaUtYs E -TJ. <br />11. "'Ek <br />Chapter 243 of dw 716C Wtows c and countV regulation oaf mcmially oliented <br />('SOBs'). Most nv.mmilclpal ordinances fpm regulate SOBS provide distance require-ments; Le, <br />requirements that, s,1508 may riot be located vOthin a certain number of f of a d,surch, -school, <br />residentlafty-zained area, day care center or ott-wr sexually oriented buds ness. Q 243.006 (4))� <br />Section 243.003 N of the TL GC specifically, sU. is that "[alreplation adopted by a muntripeft <br />applies only Inside the munidpailtv's corporate Urnits,", However, after discussion of case law <br />from other states, the'rex as Attorney General concluded that even though Spaion 243 003 of <br />the TL GC does not give extraterritorial effect to an SOB OrMnance-Section243jD06(a)(2..) of the <br />TLGC nonetheless may apply. <br />"A city may appIV a municipal ordinance to prohibit a sexuaUy orlented business Wtffihri a <br />specified distance: of a school, c1hurch, or other entivered by Section 243,006 (a) (2) of the <br />TUX even though 11 hat entfty Is not within'fpm e corporate firnits of the city In quesdon, so for as <br />the sexually oriented business is within those MmIts. Such appkztion dOEs not violate, the <br />statutory requirement that the ordinance oiri4y apply in the clWs corpomte Umfts." <br />lberefore, the distance requirements contained In local 5015 ordinances may beenforc P --d, evertu� <br />if tlw unded)fing SOB ordinance has no extraterritorial effect. <br />